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Help! Blueberry Scorch virus?

11 years ago

We have wild (low and high bush) blueberries, some near the house have always produced well, others have not but it looks like this year will be a bumper crop!

DH wanted to plant some cultivated highbush (he likes the big berries and thought they'd be more consistent producers). We bought 6 plants (2 each Legacy, Patriot and Bluecrop) in April but didn't get them planted right away due to 2" plus rain event the next day. The pots were on the north side of garage but a couple still got soaked. That week we had 3 freezes so I brought them inside the garage, they didn't get planted until a couple weeks later and 1 of the Patriot was looking pretty sorry with some dead shoots and shriveled dry blossoms, though all the plants had some waterlogged blossoms from being out in the rain that one night.

To my surprise they started to fruit, but some of the leaves started turning red. I figured it was stress until I noticed specks of red on the leaves and fruit of the lowbush berries downhill from them. Only on the upper side of leaves. The nursery blueberries had almost entirely red leaves with green veins but still only on the upper surfaces and the fruit doesn't seem to have any specks at all. This is not Mg deficency since the soil was pH 4.2 with Medium ((25 ppm) Mg and we amended the holes and mulched with composted manure pH 5.6 and Medium High (50 ppm) Mg.

It looks like scorch as far as I can tell from this website. But I'm assuming the Conservation District bought their plants from nursery that had virus-tested stock?

How do I tell for sure and what do I do? Looks like you're supposed to destroy plants ($72 down the tubes)? I'll try to take pix later, it's raining now - in fact, May has been somewhat wet (though still 2" under normal) and overcast, could this be a fungal disease instead?

Here is a link that might be useful: MSU Blueberry Virus page

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