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rate and review please make it your friend!! LOL

16 years ago

ok so its crazy and some of you don't know that you can use this particular forum to look up if a person has a good history of sending "plants" and/or "seeds". it is important to put this info down. when you go to this forum go to the very bottom of the page and put in the name, then when or if the name comes up you add your post to it, sometimes the name doesn't come up because they are new, if so you have to put it in. cool. :') but if the engine is down we sometimes google the name and its funny to see what will come up!! its also important to put all the info down that needs to be there, leave out the unimportant mean things like name calling, personal info. i'm putting this here because i have come across so many people who have not even known about the forum. please rate everyone!! even if you were wronged!!! you don't want someone else to get wronged!! also, give them at least a month, life happens, i have waited 2 months and got more than i wanted in seeds, she was really sick and couldn't get to her pc.

now for the link.....i know, your saying goood!!!! shut up!!! LOL hope this helps!!! please don't reply that away it'll stay up for everyone ~Medo

Here is a link that might be useful: rate and review forum

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