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help I'm confused! what do I do?!

I made a post about some seed varieties I'm looking for. With my account there is the option of "my trade list" and what I'm offering for trade and what I want in exchange.

However I don't know how to add the seed varieties I have to trade and how to add the seed varieties I want. I can click on the option on my member's page that says "see my trade list" but it won't let me add any information. How do I do this?! I've already edited my profile but that page will not allow me to add the information I want to on the "see my trade list" on my page. What do I do?! I'm confused.

Somebody gave me a link on my post where I put the seed varieties I'm looking for that's supposed to allow me to add a hyperlink for my e-mail. I need help with that too.

However the link given didn't allow me to add the information I need.

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