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neat way to look up images of flowers from seed lists

16 years ago

Someone suggested noscript for foxfire browser. this prevents those dumb floating ads you have to catch to make go away. This makes visiting garden web much more enjoyable.

I found more great add ons.


allows you search google images by highlighting a flower from someone's gardenweb list

Here's how:

Highlight the word or phrase (someone's flower in this case) select search, google then pictures, then google again. Sounds like a lot, but really faster than cut and pasting

other features of hyperwords

highlight the word then search the web for it, translate a word or phrase, cut and paste it, shop for it, e-mail to selected text, get local time, weather or maps for the location selected.


allows you to make image larger.

You can right click and use scroll wheel or select the zoom percentage from the menu

adblock plus

blocks ads (There is also an adblock - do you need to download both?)

Adblock Filterset.G Updater

updates adblock filters that adblock uses to block ads


makes a non clickable link, clickable. Great for posts where folks forget to put the link in the link section but type it in the text box instead

highlight text then click on the L symbol at the bottom right hand corner of browser


checks to see if highlighted text is a valid link. Or you can check a whole page of links. Great for those with web pages to update.


looks up a selected word in an on-line dictionary


Protects users against search data profiling (not sure how dangerous tracking is to the normal web surfer.)


converts meters, feet, degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit, inches, centimeters, kilometers, miles, km/h, mph, square meters, square feet, kg, lb, fl oz, milliliters, and more

I so hate to see Celsius on a garden website, now I won't have to input the value into Celsius converter page.


blocks sites you do not care to visit anymore


this allows you to remove google ads, add links to other search engines on your google search page, have google suggest words as you type searches, allows you to removes sites from displaying on searches, not be tracked by google, specify number of hits per page, allows safe searching, lots of stuff.

All the above addons must be installed first before you can use them. Go to foxfire to download what ever addons you need

There are a ton of them, so you can see why I linked to the ones I use, so you can find them. If anyone else has found a great addon, please share it here.

I hope it is ok to list these here.

Don't worry you can uninstall whatever you don't end up liking.

Here's How:

click on tools at top of browser,

then addons

click on the addon you no long want

click uninstall

It will uninstall the next time you restart foxfire.


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