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Growing thigs found in your kitchen or from the grocery store

A recent visit to a huge spice vendor at a flea market yielded 8 OZ of flax seeds for just $1. My thought at the time was not of consumption, but of growing them, and sharing them if they are indeed viable. Has anyone ever planted seeds that were meant for consumption?

What has anyone else ever grown from your spice cabinet, the grocery store, or fruit and veggie remains? Though I have numerous varieties of poppies to grow this year, I would also like to try my Durkee poppy seeds and see if they will grow and what flowers they will make.

Here is a good read found at the Growing from Seed Forum...Growing stuff found in your kitchen cupboards

I saw someone requesting navy beans, I think, and was wondering what bagged navy soup beans might yield. I imagine they are likely hybrids though and one would likely end up disappointed with the plants or production.

What have you tried?

What have you 'thought' about trying?

What are you now going to try?

Sue...trying to amuse Bigred

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