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Broccoli and other fall container planting

12 years ago

Hi All

My container garden has been growing away quite nicely over the summer (except for the roma tomato BER fiasco), and I was thinking I should get a few things started for fall.

I just started some broccoli seeds indoors, and plan to replace the romas (which I will be hacking down with great wrath) with the seedlings in a few weeks. Hopefully they'll produce before the frost hits (which likely won't be until november)

I plan to reuse the containers the aforementioned tomatoes are in. One is 10 gallons, the other is about 5.

A couple questions:

- I will have to reuse most of the potting mix. Any recommendations for preparing the soil for a new crop without starting from scratch (with broccoli in mind)

- how many plants per container? They say plant 1' apart, so I'm guessing one per container? The 10gal is quite tall.

- any good things to plant with broccoli? I have seeds for kale, beets, carrots, peas (I think), pole beans, some lettuce.

I may also replace some of my other plants once they're done (my peas are more or less spent, and the kale I planted has slowed to a halt). Perhaps with more peas, or just kale, to give it a fighting chance.

Anyway, any advice recommended. It's been a hot summer, but it's finally settling into normal, got some good rain last week, so I think fall will be good.



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