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help with container tomatoes, seem to have that blossom end rot!

19 years ago

Please Help!!! I was just bragging about my 8 large healthy looking tomato plants (in containers), with lots of fruit, but this morning I noticed dark black areas on the bottom of a few of the fruit(I am assuming this is blossom end rot), they are all still green and small right now. Gardening is very new to me, so I have questions... should I pull off these black ended tomatoes?

I'm reading that this sometimes just happens early on and will go away or is this it for my plants? They are in a well draining soil, I only water when the top few inches gets dry, I've fertilized them only 2 times and earlier on put some lime in the soil. It is also going to 94 degrees here today and it was 92 yesterday here and hot the rest of the week -- is this a contributor?

I was going to post this in the tomato forum, but because the plants are in containers, I chose here first. Any help and advice is much appreciated!!!!!

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