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Planting ideas for small outside containers...

12 years ago

I've been on a thrift store/yard sale kick lately and the downside is that I keep finding wonderful/funky/pretty SMALL containers. Finding and buying, that is. Many will be used inside as cache pots for AVs but there are some that I will/have drilled holes in and want to put outside because I'm about out of well lit inside locations.

I know that the small pots aren't as plant friendly so obviously I'd need to do annuals but what types would be best for very small containers that will hold 1/2 to 2 cups of potting material?

I have torenia (countless torenia), cuttings of coleus, moss rose, zinnia, impatiens, annual begonias, & a few marigolds that could be moved.

For planting for fall & winter, I have pansy, dwarf snapdragons and will be getting petunia seed.


Would it be best just to wait for spring because of the July/August heat? ...I know I picked the worst time of the year to be bitten by the 'cute garden container' bug.

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