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Have some plants to trade

15 years ago

I have the following to trade - trades only at this time please:

One Variegated Japanese Privet - this is in a very large pot. I'll need to cut it back and would prefer to trade this in a large flatt rate priority box to cut down on postage. I can probably fit some of the other plants below in the box as well. It multiplies from seed and can be considered a nuisance. I didn't realize what it was until just recently and I don't have a large enough yard to risk it.

Several sweet autumn clematis - I have a lot of these coming up in the yard and in one of my large beds and they need to be thinned out.

Several Native violets - I have solid purple and white with purple stripes/spots/speckles.

Kwanso daylilies - there are lots of these coming up in the grass and they need to be moved. Many are smaller fans, but will multiple quickly.

Nandina/heavenly bamboo - I have several of these in the woods behind my house. They will be different sizes and will need to be cut back for shipping. These may require a flat rate box as well.

I would love to find some plants for my woodland garden like ajuga, hosta, fern, columbine, bleeding heart, brunnera, hardy begonia , helleborus and heuchura. I'm not concerned about them being named varieties.

For sun plants, I'd love to have some white cannas, flowering maple, hardy geranium, milkweed, yellow native violet, variegated yucca, bananan hardy to zone 7, dwarf ornamental grasses and dwarf spirea.

I'm open to other plants as well, so feel free to email me if you have others to offer.



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