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[Al / Tapla's Gritty 1:1:1 mix] Crushed Granite

13 years ago

Just For Your Reference / My Document purpose



Growers size

Weight: 50 lbs

Volume:~ 9 of 5inch square pots (sorry couldn't find my measuring cup)

Price: 9.90 (before tax)

For people living in zip code: 45040, You can find at the following places:

1) Southwest Landmark

‪220 S Sycamore St‬

‪Lebanon, OH 45036‬

2) Eds Feed & Seed

‪220 S Sycamore St‬

‪Lebanon, OH 45036‬

I got four different size sieves: 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8 inch

It took around 2 hours for a bag while I was doing it slow.

ALL of the particles have passed through the 1/4 and 3/8 inch sieves.

particles passed through 1/4 inch but retained on 1/8 inch sieve is 6 pots (refer volume above)

particles passed through 1/8 inch but retained on 1/16 inch sieve is 3 pots (refer volume above)

particles passed through 1/16 inch sieve is 18oz (i.e. 1 Hefty party cup)

ratio of (1/16 to 1/8) : (1/8 to 1/4) is 1:2


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