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Fish Emulsion for the Do-it-yourselfer - Eewww!

A couple of years ago, a dear friend sent me this link to a thread describing the trials of a certain person who was trying to make Homemade Fish Emulsion. Even though it inspires buckets of empathy, it still rates as probably one of the funniest things I've ever read on these forums.

I've been working hard on pruning, root-pruning, and repotting bonsai & potential bonsai, as well as spending lots of extra time here on the forum lately as it comes alive, so I thought I'd take a little break with you and share a little levity.

If you have a funny story that has the slightest relevance to container gardening in it, please share - or just stop by to say HI!size> - then we can get back to business. ;o)


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