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Still want to talk about Kale ; )

15 years ago

Don't know what happened to the other thread. Gnomes maybe ; ) Try again.

i didn't think about growing kale until recently because i thought of it as a strictly cold weather crop. Then i talked to some friends who grow Dinosaur (Lacinato) Kale. They said their plants were two years old and that the bugs just weren't interested.


So now i have a few Dinosaur plants of my own. And i see that there are many more varieties of kale available. Johnny's catalog gives growing instructions for kale but cautions that Red Russian Kale is exempted. i wonder what is so special about Red Russion Kale?

i also notice that my kale has a pretty strong taste and that the seed catalogs talk about cold weather 'sweetening' the kale. Has anyone experimented with chlling or freezing harvested leaves for the same effect?

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