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Does anyone want to talk about snakes?

14 years ago

I am terrified of them. Teriified. Don't try to reason me out of it, it won't work. I know they eat pests, etc. but the logical part of my brain and the emotional response are two different things.

I haven't seen a snake on our property in at least a year. We keep the grass short. I do a haphazard cold composting in garbage cans with holes drilled in them, to eliminate rodents/snakes that might hide in the compost.

I have convinced myself that my garden, with raised beds and paths well-mulched with straw, isn't attractive to snakes. Maybe they will cut their bellies crawling over straw. I felt safe there.

Then, I read that copperheads LOVE straw mulch. LOVE IT! Yikes. The thought of a garter snake is enough to send me screaming and running for the hills, nevermind a copperhead.

I am terrified now, and jumpy when I am out in my garden. I want my sanctuary back. Is there anything I can do to make sure snakes STAY out of my garden? Something else that snakes hate that I can use for the paths?


Sanke-Phobic Jo

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