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A question about turface sifting for all, and all to know..

14 years ago

Hi Al!;-)

I posted this on a trhead, but I knew it would be more beneficial for many if it had it's own thread..

So that everyone is on the same page here about the turface in the gritty mix this will help....I think everyone should get a rough idea on the sifting process of it, done "correctly"....

If the gritty mix is made exactly the way you make it,not a varied mix, but the actual true unadukterated one,like the sample you sent me, an exact repluca, how much turface from a full bag should be left behind that is perfect for the gritty mix..

Every bag I have bought has exactly about the same sixe turface, except for some finer dust and too small of pieces..I find that everytime I sift, I end up with about 3/4 of a bag of the usable..

What got me thinking is when Jojo said on another thread, that 1/4 of it was usable...Some may get less than that if using too big of a screen....Am I not sifting the finer particles enough, or is Jojo sifting to many good size particles out and wasting what could end up being the perfect sizes for the mix?

Thank you..;-)

Hello everyone..:-)


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