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Red Carpet-2025 Grammys

16 days ago

Anyone have any favorites? Can't say I saw one 'look' that made me envious....

Comments (46)

  • 16 days ago
    last modified: 16 days ago

    My brother's favorite was Kanye West's girlfriend, and when he described to me what she was wearing, I told him that she could get arrested for that. Evidently she did.

    I did not watch the Grammys, however.

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  • 16 days ago

    I didn't watch, but see all over FB this morning that the castle head and sister are all over the place. My question is, why are they there ? I'm not very up to date on music, so are they performers??? Is there a song I might know?

    I'm asking about Willow and Jaden Smith ( Will Smith's children).

  • 16 days ago
    last modified: 16 days ago

    I did not realize the castle boy was a Smith. Lars West's GF's pic are mostly of her in her coat. I did finally see one w/o it. It was quite the show! The snake man sort of startled me. If you are into it it is worth seeking out different photo arrays in differnet spots. I think Laday Gaga surprised me the most. Even after seeing her name I could not SEE HER in her look. She's a chameleon for sure!

  • 16 days ago
    last modified: 16 days ago

    Nicole/Black Forest Colorado Z5A

    Anything for attention....

    We didn't watch it. We streamed a show about the rebuilding of LaGuardia Airport - LGA....much more interesting!

  • 16 days ago

    I generally don't watch awards shows, and last night was no exception. Thankful for whatever streaming service I was on, watching a movie with Morgan Freeman and Tommy Lee Jones. From what I've seen on news blurbs, some costumes were quite outlandish!

  • 15 days ago

    I don't usually watch because I am a pop culture dud...confirmed by not knowing most of the artists honored or presenting. But I did see a few "low lights" and I have to say I think kanye west is a monster and his girlfriend looks like a case of the worst of what domestic violence looks like - when shown together she looks very controlled and unhappy and he looks like the monster I believe he is. He should be shunned and shamed by the community. The Smith kids made me sad...so much attention seeking by kids who apparently have too much of everything.

  • 15 days ago
    last modified: 15 days ago

    " I think kanye west is a monster and his girlfriend looks like a case of the worst of what domestic violence looks like "

    Such real situations can show just how ugly human behavior can get. I hope for both of them it's not true. Men can also be victims of domestic violence and abusive partners too.

    Unless you know something about them to be a fact, it might be classier of you to not allude to something you don't know to be true. Spreading unsubstantiated suppositions and ugly rumors is what people addicted to pop culture do, so your self-characterization may need an adjustment.

  • 15 days ago
    last modified: 15 days ago

    Nicole/Black Forest Colorado Z5A


    Censori, an architect who works for West’s Yeezy company, reportedly married the rapper in a private ceremony in January 2023.

    And..Chrissy Teagan also wore a shear gown & brought her two eldest kids with her...the oldest is 9.

  • 15 days ago

    "Unless you know something about them to be a fact, it might be classier of you to not allude to something you don't know to be true. Spreading unsubstantiated suppositions and ugly rumors is what people addicted to pop culture do, so your self-characterization may need an adjustment."

  • 15 days ago

    Who asked for your opinion? It's much more likely to be untrue than was mine.

  • 15 days ago

    Chrissy’s sheer dress is pretty and tasteful. Oddly enough a photo of Kanye and his wife was texted to me by a very amused friend. She described the woman as wearing panty hose as a dress. She said I jst had to see it. LOL I feel compelled to share the photos just because they are hysterical and something I wouldn’t normally see. Seeing his new wife, she looks just like Kim K but in a plastic doll kind of way.

    I hope nobody is offended. This lady is wearing panty hose as a dress?!? OMG!

  • 15 days ago

    Maybe you had to see it. When he ORDERED her to take off her coat it was very cringe. Something is off there and he put it on display for the world to see. Well I guess they put a lot on display to be seen. YIKES.

  • 15 days ago
    last modified: 15 days ago

    The clothing was pretty terrible in my humble opinion! I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually nude at the Grammy awards before...holy cow! BTW I did not watch the show, just perused the photos on line. I think Paris Hilton was the only one that looked OK of the photos that I saw. Some of the tackiest and vulgar "dresses" I've ever seen before! GAG!

  • 15 days ago

    I don't really follow this stuff. Celebrites bore me. I would rather visit the dentist than watch award ceremonies. But that woman looks like she's in a hostage situation. The whole thing just makes me sad.

  • 15 days ago

    Hostage situation describes what I see perfectly:

  • 15 days ago
    last modified: 15 days ago

    According to Entertainment Weekly, rumors that they were escorted out are incorrect. They also dispute that West wasn’t invited.


  • 15 days ago

    i didn't/wouldn't watch, just saw clips on facebook here and there. would somebody enlighten me as to why naked woman kept tugging at the hem of her "dress"? it was like she was trying to hide something.

    celebrities often go to great lengths to make themselves look stupid.

  • 15 days ago
    last modified: 15 days ago

    Ha - never watch the Grammys, but saw the headlines and censored photos yesterday - more like a sausage casing than a 'dress', IMO 😄

    At least she has the figure to pull it off - pun intended...

  • 15 days ago

    I agree with ally de. In my experience, creative people are not "normal" like the rest of us. Whether it's because of their creativity overwhelming available space in their brains to think, that you and I use, or sometimes it's because their notoriety and wealth make them think they're entitled to whatever they want to have or do, and to feel like they inhabit a different world than others. Many are not well educated, some are not from what I will call "normal" family situations, and so they are different but not in a desirable way. The ones who are famous for being famous need to have serial outrageous incidents/social media entries to continue to attract attention.

    I know and have known people in the entertainment industry, "talent" types, skilled trade types (behind the camera rather than in front of) and business types. Many having or involved with recognizable names, and only a small minority would I consider to be an everyday Joe or Josephine.

  • 15 days ago

    I did not watch the program but couldn't miss all the buzz about the ’fashions’. One I did like very much was Sheryl Crow’s gown. She looked terrific. Will Smith’s kids…what were they thinking, or not. Same with the nude performance, which apparently is being discussed as violating the ‘dress code’. Some of the young women (Taylor Swift, Sabrina Carpenter for example) looked stunning and carried off their looks very nicely imo.

  • 15 days ago

    His wife looks like a hostage

  • 15 days ago

    We used to watch most of the awards type shows and mostly for the gorgeous gowns but not so much any more. Is that called 'aging?' I'm trying to remember the last time we were required to dress formally for an event and its been a long time now! Some of the clothing was so gorgeous, whether new designers or vintage pieces and it was fun to see them - I do see pieces now when browsing the 'after' pictures but there are always that few that really push the line of any kind of good taste. Or, even fit.

    I did see photos of Ms. West (are they married? I don't really know) and was not surprised. What can offend me is that I sometimes see snaps of her shopping and socializing with his children where she's wearing only a little more - I find that completely inappropriate and hope somewhere along the line they (the children) are learning the difference between shock value and real life.

  • 15 days ago

    she is a hostage to his money and some will do anything for fame

  • 15 days ago

    I do think many women become hostages to abusive men because of lack of their own resources. She may have a prenup, but in those circles I know people wirh $ would help her. However, threats and being beaten down (even emotionally) can render people helpless to act in their own best interests. Stockholm Syndrome is common. Or she may be a willing participant in her own debasement, but that is harder for me to believe. It makes me sad for her.

  • 15 days ago

    I hadn't seen the Nekid Woman before this thread.

    What is the name for a woman (or man) who has nothing to sell but his or her body? It's desperately sad to display this.

  • 15 days ago

    Nicole/Black Forest Colorado Z5A

    OK....so what I gather....Kanye was nominated for several Grammy's, he had a reason to be there. They are married, prenup gives her NOTHING if they divorce. Censori, the wife, insists on being naked. She says Americans are prudes. When she's naked in Europe no one cares. She is supposedly asking Kanye to get-on-board with her-way-of-thinking. And yes...creative people are NUTS!

  • 15 days ago

    OMG. I am not an award show nor celebrity watcher and these pictures of nearly nude women - on television, no less! - are astonishing to me.

    Is there no self-respect any longer?

  • 15 days ago

    Morz wrote-

    What can offend me is that I sometimes see snaps of her shopping and socializing with his children where she's wearing only a little more - I find that completely inappropriate and hope somewhere along the line they (the children) are learning the difference between shock value and real life.

    So this is when I feel like a very old lady you know, get off my lawn,. but I agree with all the outrage in the comments above. When you think about it, the children's other parent is Kim K who may have slightly better judgement, but I'm not sure other than financial abundance what these children have going for them. I'd say it stirkes me that they have lots of adults and lots of help, but not much more.

  • 15 days ago

    " I do think many women become hostages ....."

    Why do you persist with your baseless guessing when you apparently have no facts to deal with? Wishing won't make it so. You're like the proverbial hammer who thinks everything seen must be a nail.

    I think you would be very disappointed to learn that her ridiculous behavior and attire (or non-attire) were her idea. Two people, it's 50/50 as to which one is behind it.

  • 14 days ago
    last modified: 14 days ago

    She’s getting the attention she wanted. Until the Grammys I didn’t even know he was married again, let alone to whom, nor would I have recognized her name. Anyone else?

  • 14 days ago

    I guess pantyhose will be all the rage again. LOL!

  • 14 days ago

    “I find that completely inappropriate and hope somewhere along the line they (the children) are learning the difference between shock value and real life.”

    I agree but it‘s questionable when their charming father appears inappropriate on several levels. Wasn’t it Kanye who once interrupted Taylor Swift’s award speech basically saying Beyonce should have won? He’s definitely lacking some filters.

  • 14 days ago

    Heard KW just got dumped by Japan--to the tune of 2 million dollars. I wonder if he's proud now?

  • 14 days ago
    last modified: 14 days ago

    I'll be the first to admit that I do not pay much attention to celebrities and their goings on, but the last I'd heard about Kayne, a few years back, I thought he'd kind of went off his rocker? Am I remembering correctly?

  • 14 days ago
    last modified: 14 days ago

    I seem to recall KW went off the rails long ago & while still married to Kardashian. Understand that I read it in one of those entertainment rags which I of course never buy but do read while sitting while my hair is being worked on. So, take that story for what it’s not worth.😉

    ETA - I didn’t watch the Grammys - no interest for me but of course it’s harder to miss the highlights. What I haven’t heard comment on was that Will Smith participated as a presenter? whatever. Has he been forgiven by his peers for his misbehavior at the Oscars few years back with the slap?

  • 14 days ago

    What is the name for a woman (or man) who has nothing to sell but his or her body? It's desperately sad to display this.

    I don't know anything about this person. There are some models that make quite a bit displaying themselves wearing designer clothing although I can't really see designers making pantyhose a trend in dresswear.

    I think for many, making money off of their body one way or another has a short shelf life. What's important for those people and others with a relatively short shelf life such as some sports, is how they plan and invest and whether they can muster the willpower not to blow their budget for the future on tempting fripperies.

    What would be sad is for someone to reap profits off of their body displays, mocking those who differ as prudes, then recklessly spend all they make, and a few years later when the bloom is off the rose, be left with nothing.

  • 14 days ago

    Lucille, I've read she has her masters in architecture from a college in her homeland, Australia. She was employed by her now husband and in the early days of their relationship dressed and looked very much like his ex wife. They've been forbidden to participate in things in several countries per reason of her not covering up body parts, ie the gondolas and boats in Venice, restaurants in Japan - she even managed to scandalize the French one visit there. As for him, I've read too he is extremely bi-polar and unmedicated. I have to admit to reading TMZ celebrity news channel a couple of times a week when caught up on all else not quite so light. My problem there is I don't recognize any of the younger set or even know what they do to achieve celebrity status. Many seem to be 'rappers', not a genre I enjoy or even know very much about. By choice.

  • 14 days ago

    “Has he been forgiven by his peers for his misbehavior at the Oscars few years back with the slap?”

    KW, I’m not really sure although he seems to have ”faded” some. That slap incident was bizarre enough to make me think he’s got some screws loose.

  • 14 days ago

    Will Smith got a standing ovation at the same Oscar's ceremony where he slapped Chris Rock when he was awarded the best actor Oscar. I don't think Hollywood has a backbone.

  • 14 days ago

    I think Hollywood may be over. I hate to lump all of Hollywood together, but mostly, they don't live in the real world. However, I watched an interview with Stephen A. Smith and Rob Lowe, and it seems some in the Hollywood crowd are opening their eyes, especially after this last fire. Also, with the Blake Lively (Ryan Reynolds) and Justin Baldoni lawsuit going on, people are just sick of them. Celebrity podcasters are now more popular than actors. Hollywood used to be very influential, and clearly, they are not anymore.

    Unbelievable Will Smith got that standing ovation and I guess all is good now, with the Grammy's. Which is a whole other story, of how seedy the music industry really is and has now come to light.

  • 14 days ago

    ‘However, I watched an interview with Stephen A. Smith and Rob Lowe, and it seems some in the Hollywood crowd are opening their eyes, especially after this last fire.”

    OllieJane, I saw that interview and it does seem some eyes have been opened.

  • 13 days ago

    One should never have high expectations or standards for the things people in the entertainment business may say or do. With that advance preparation, nothing is surprising.

    None of the recent happenings some are discussing here are all that unusual put into context. They're just the more recent happenings.

    Go back 100 years and a famous director was murdered (the crime never solved), a major star was accused, and I believe prosecuted, for rape and murder (Fatty Arbuckle). The affairs and bed jumping (of all gender mixes) that took place in the 20s-70s and through to today are legendary. The Sharon Tate murder, the unsolved drowning of Natalie Wood that never made sense. And on and on.

    Abnormal people with abnormal behavior and abnormal happenings.

  • 13 days ago

    It's something of a dilemma. Without *negative* notice, abnormal behavior can become normalized. (But then the illness is rewarded by the notice.)

  • 12 days ago


    For those who are interested, the gentleman (I use that term very loosely here) himself posted some... let's call them thoughts about the incident on X/FKA Twitter.

    The opening line of the unhinged rant?


    It goes downhill, if such a thing is possible, from there.

    I can't post the whole thing because it will break the filters here. He does does charitably note that ,


    I'm standing by my initial hostage assessment. That poor woman. Is she there of her own free will? Well, that's a tough thing for anyone from the outside to assess. However, he does appear to be a mentally-ill, very abusive man and I hope she will be ok.