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Amazon vs Walmart

I know of a lot of people lately who are wanting to disconnect themselves from Amazon and other companies owned and/or controlled by Jeff Bezos (Washington Post, Amazon Prime, Audible, etc) - actually, it started before the current political involvement based on his wealth and the change Amazon has bought to the retail market.

But......is there really a difference between giving money to Amazon or Walmart? Both are massive companies with a history of negatively affecting local retailers and questionable employee management. The Walton family is worth about as much as Elon Musk, making them the second wealthiest family in the world (after the House of Saud).

I think it's because Bezos likes to be in the news, and the Walton family eschews publicity for themselves. If your reasons are political (whom he supports and how), that makes sense, but if they're about wealth inequality and billionaires, it seems misplaced.

Comments (119)

  • 27 days ago
    last modified: 27 days ago

    Facts vs. opinion = from their website: "In 1983, the first Costco warehouse location was opened in Seattle" and "When Costco and Price Club merged in 1993"....those are the FACTS. along with the FACT that the headquarters are in Issaquah, near Seattle.

    It is my OPINION that this makes Costco a local company.

  • 27 days ago

    Are you trying to deflect and change what I took issue with or have you forgotten what words of yours I questioned?

    To rewind to the beginning, you said above:

    " Costco (locally owned and really good to employees and customers)."

    To which I replied:

    " No, it's not (locally owned). "

    That's all. You can consider Costco a local company, that's fine. That wasn't the misinformed comment you made that I disagreed with, and explained why. It's not "locally owned".

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    Comments (13)
    Thanks Nicole - we are on the same page even if it doesn't seem so! LOL I know the difference between the two. I know the S&S has free shipping, a lower price, etc. I realize it is only certain items also. And yes, I would still save with a few items, I guess I should have worded that differently. It would not be a substantial savings for us. A dollar saved is a dollar saved, I'm just not sure if I want to do the S&S for a very few items that I can get quite conveniently here. I haven't taken the time to go back and look at more items, but I am going to do that before deciding. I referred to Amazon Prime again because you had mentioned it. I know what it is and don't use it because I don't buy enough from Amazon to make it worthwhile. Anele - thanks for mentioning that Prime can be shared - but I can't think of anyone right off to share the service with. I really do prefer to shop local but thought I might order some basic household supplies and pet supplies thorugh the S&S. I still may give it a try! I can cancel at any time, so why not? Thanks for trying to set me straight LOL. tina
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  • 27 days ago

    Elmosplaining - talking down and dismissing others he feels superior to.....and this is everyone. .

  • 27 days ago

    Avoid WalMart, love Costco, shop Amazon for things that aren't convenient to find locally or are at big-box stores anyway.

  • 27 days ago

    Oh I forgot the technicality that no one but the stockholders 'owns' Costco, so it's only a local company but not a locally owned company. jeezus.

  • 27 days ago
    last modified: 27 days ago

    Thank you. No technicality, it was your choice of words and what you said. And my response. And if you want to be accurate, better to say that it is a locally-based company and not a local company. A company with locations all over North America and abroad isn't a "local company".

    See, we can find common ground.

  • 27 days ago

    What would this place be without a pedantic 'fact' checker? We can only dream.

  • 27 days ago
    last modified: 27 days ago

    As I wish to live in a place and to interact with people whose integrity and self-respect stop them from stretching or denying reality and truth. To remove BS and other intentional fibs from conversations. And allows them time for honest self-reflection about things they do and how they describe them. And the humility to learn from others.

  • 27 days ago


  • 27 days ago

    "interact with people whose integrity and self-respect stop them from stretching or denying reality and truth. To remove BS and other intentional fibs from conversations. And allows them time for honest self-reflection about things they do and how they describe them. And the humility to learn from others."


  • 27 days ago

    You can OMG all you want . There are too many regulars whose disingenuous and deliberately truth-shading comments are too common and all too obvious.

  • 27 days ago
    last modified: 27 days ago

    kevin, what happened to your earlier comment that I responded to? Did you delete it?

    Think from now on, I'll screenshot a text that I reply to?

  • 27 days ago

    I shop at both. I prefer Walmart over grocery store Jewel because of prices. Half and Half Walmart is $4 and it's $8 at .Jewel. I also shop at Dollar Store for basic items.

    LOL but I will not pay $7 for eggs at any store.

  • 27 days ago

    Well, expect egg prices to rise considerably, because bird flu is killing a lot of hens, and is spreading - it's already shut down poultry sales in Georgia (which is a huge egg producer for the country), and killed tens of thousands of laying hens.

  • 26 days ago

    I don't get the hysteria about egg prices. Even at $7 a dozen, a serving of two eggs, high quality, cheap protein is under $1.25. That would be a bargain at twice the price.

  • 26 days ago

    I didn't delete anything Maddie.

    Is this the one you are referring to? You wrote; "kevin, you mean CRIMINALS that he pardoned?........"

    And I wrote; "The first day of greatness was the best and will only get better. So many executive orders signed, jan 6 pardons......" It's the only one I see you responded to.

    If you can't see it the post it was flagged and removed. I can see them when I'm log in but if I log out and look they are gone, so it's the only way I would know. It happens a lot to my posts when little feelings get hurt.

  • 26 days ago
    last modified: 26 days ago

    @kevin9408 - I’ve never suspected that you delete your own posts. It’s been obvious for a long time that someone has it out for you.

    I have a question for you though. While we’re clearly on the opposite end of the political spectrum and fine that’s just how life is, I’m wondering if anything at all is making you uncomfortable over the past few days. Actions like trying to override the consitution by executive order (even if you agree in spirit), and all sorts of moves towards an authoritarian regime? You're a smart guy, do you at least see it and if so, do you like it?

  • 26 days ago

    Food, executive orders have always been issued by presidents and many were very bad, and others shot down by the courts, it's nothing new. JDR issued an EO putting Japanese Americans in interment camps and unconstitutional as it can get but wasn't challenged in court. There are other EO's that were challenged in courts including 3 by our last president which were declared invalid, and a 4th still in the courts if it hasn't been rescinded by the present president already.

    I know which EO you're talking about and section one of the 14th amendment is very short and clear so what I think is this EO has no chance in the courts. So why would you waste time worrying about it? it's business as usual in government and done to keep a promise to his base but also a distraction that seems to be working well. He is a master strategist you can't deny, beating all odds over the last 8 years with such confidence winning nearly every battle. He has a master plan so please beware, he's going to upset you for many years so relax and save your energy for the next upsetting battle.

  • 26 days ago

    " section one of the 14th amendment is very short and clear so what I think is this EO has no chance in the courts. So why would you waste time worrying about it? "

    Because SCOTUS can "interpret" it in such a way as to make what seems short and clear into something something worth nothing that can be ignored. We know that at least a few of the Justices are acting in unethical ways, and the refuse to abide by a binding and enforceable code of ethics.

    He is too much an impulsive toddler to be a master strategist or have a master plan, but that doesn't mean someone he is listening to doesn't have one.

    " it's business as usual in government "

    All evidence to the contrary. I'm Canadian, and I can still point out at least half a dozen ways it is not business as usual.

  • 26 days ago

    " Toronto Vet, sort of off topic, how are the folks in Ontario viewing Alberta right now? "

    I don't know how "folds in Ontario" feel, but I can tell you how I feel about Alberta........I've never really been a fan, even though my family is from there, because I'm not much on the cowboy/roughneck ethos, but I got quite upset with them when they passed the Alberta Sovereignty Act in 2022. I've been mad at their conservative and federally divisive politics since then, and I would not choose to live there.

    " We do have to think about how it affects us "

    That's why I worry about who is elected in other countries.

  • 26 days ago
    last modified: 26 days ago

    Thanks TV for your honesty.

    I love Alberta and wouldn’t choose anywhere else to live. I was a strong Conservative until crooked Allison Redford came into power. That was the start of what I believe eventually led to an ND government. The old Tories sure were rolling over in their graves then. LOL Now I vote for the candidate.

    I am definitely not a fan of our current premier and she will never get my vote, but I don’t think she is wrong in not going along with the other provinces just to go along with them. Whether her approach is right or wrong, she is not a traitor as some have liked to call her. I‘d hate to live in a country where a different of opinion means you are a traitor.

    I’d like to see a Conservative PM next, as JT has taken the country off track for too long.

    TV, what I meant was, I don’t get wrapped up in other countries elections. It is a waste of energy to worry until it is over. You and I do not have any say in who they elect. I do get involved with how Canada handles the outcome.


    eta I deleted my post as I felt it was way off topic and probably of little interest to others. It was unfair of me to single you out to ask your opinion. Thanks again.

  • 26 days ago

    Okay, back to the regular programming!

  • 24 days ago

    What an amazing thread, I prefer to shop Small and local. Local, to me, means city, then region then country. This, is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve.

  • 22 days ago

    TV, as a 25 year resident of Alberta, originally from BC, I take great offense to your description of our population. so misinformed.and quite frankly, very offensive.

  • 22 days ago

    Lulu, cowboy/roughneck ethos is a stereotype. I know that Alberta is much, much more than that. We’re a pretty diverse lot.

    LOL, and cowboys and roughnecks can be mighty fine people.

  • 22 days ago

    Thank you roxsol, I guess i am feeling quite vulnurable and defensive due to all of the political turmoil that we have been dealt our way.

  • 22 days ago
    last modified: 22 days ago

    Lulu, I think everyone is.

    I do know that name calling is never productive. I was just wondering if the mood is as bad outside of Alberta as the media is saying it is. It probably is. I just wanted an opinion from another Canadian.

    I just think that the Alberta premier having a different take on how to handle things does not make her a traitor. And that name is uncalled for. I have read it in many Canadian articles.

    Let me make it clear, I am not a big fan of Danielle Smith, never have been.

  • 22 days ago

    Fair enough, but I sure think we need her take on balancing our budget.

  • 22 days ago
    last modified: 22 days ago

    Definitely, Lulu.

    Like I’ve said. I lean very strong to the conservative side but her take on Alberta pensions was a big turn off for me. That is the hill I am willing to die on for opposing Danielle Smith. But she is not a traitor, nor is any Albertan for supporting her.

    Hands off of my pension, Danielle!

  • 22 days ago

    I remember the "Alberta Sovereignty Act in 2022" and one of the best news stories at came out of Canada in decades. Good luck in October.

  • 22 days ago
    last modified: 22 days ago

    I'm not saying anything about my own views but sometimes, the cowboy/roughneck/rancher/farmer appellation can be used by some as a polite form of what otherwise might be "hick".

    My visits to Canada have been numerous but not extensive so I won't presume anything about attitudes up there but certainly in the US, there's no doubt that some people from high population metro areas can, rightly or wrongly, have a stereotype of people from smaller towns, farming and more remote areas, including throughout our Great Plains, to be a shade less educated, less sophisticated in their tastes and practices, and perhaps more provincial in their outlooks. When talking about such things, people arrogantly from places they think are more enlightened and sophisticated would use the words mentioned above or say "small town thinker" to express derisive thoughts instead of saying "hicks".

    The meaning is the same when used that way, as with "they're a bunch of farmers", or "they're a bunch of cowboys". Same stereotypes are held for people in city locations of such regions.

  • 22 days ago
    last modified: 22 days ago

    I look at the person and get to know them. I don’t care where they are from, or what they do. Preconceptions can cause one to miss out on great friendships and experiences. Tagging others with a name is a disservice to yourself.

  • 22 days ago

    Sure. Try to convince the majority of people in your country and in mine whose attitudes differ from your's, that what you suggest is a better and more thoughtful approach. You're unlikely to meet with much success.

  • 22 days ago

    I can only control me🤷‍♀️

  • 22 days ago
    last modified: 22 days ago

    Earlier today I watched the next prime minister of Canada answer a question what he thinks the word woke means. His answer was priceless, roxsol you won't be disappointed.

  • 22 days ago

    Who is the next PM of Canada?

  • 22 days ago

    Kevin, do you know something we dont? Who is the next PM? Did I miss voting..

  • 22 days ago

    " I take great offense to your description of our population. so misinformed.and quite frankly, very offensive. "

    Huh? I described the ethos of the culture, not the specifics of the population. The fact that you think the ethos of cowboys (valuing self-reliance, frontier exploration, stoicism, fearlessness, and a refusal to negotiate) is insulting is an odd choice. As for roughnecks, the ethos is much the same except remove the frontier exploration and add in a hypermasculinity that can lead to bullying. Those are not the things I put as much value in, but I don't think they're wrong or abnormal. Just not for me.

    Who is the next PM of Canada?

    Pierre Poilievre. Canada's PM either last 6 months, or 10 years. Trudeau's had his time.

  • 22 days ago
    last modified: 22 days ago

    TV, I think it will be him, as well. But he is not yet.

    Wishful thinking does not make it so.

  • 22 days ago

    TV beat me to it but I think Pierre Poilievre will get the vote.

  • 22 days ago
    last modified: 22 days ago

    TV, it sounds like you had an unfortunate experience when living in Alberta.

    I have never experienced hypermasculinity in my life here. I think my daughter, who operates her own business, in a male dominated field, would agree with me.

    Same with my three sisters. 🤷‍♀️

  • 22 days ago

    " I have never experienced hypermasculinity in my life here. "

    Neither have I, but I haven't lived up in oil rig country. My friend's son does, though, and works in an industry related to drilling. He says it's part of the local culture there.

  • 22 days ago
    last modified: 22 days ago

    I’ve lived approx. one third my life in Calgary, one third in Edmonton, and the past one third, north of Edmonton. All lovely places. It seems your friend’s son has met with some bad actors. That is unfortunate.

    My nephew and his wife, a woman from Ontario, both live in Fort MacMurray working as petroleum engineers and really like it there.

    I have no idea what the “ethos“ of people living in other provinces is. I haven’t really thought about it, though.

  • 22 days ago
    last modified: 22 days ago

    Kevin, wishful thinking does not make it so.

    Do you have a link or clip?

  • 22 days ago
    last modified: 22 days ago

    And Pierre Poilievre grew up and was educated in Alberta. 🤠

  • 22 days ago

    " And Pierre Polievre grew up and was educated in Alberta "

    Yes, exactly. We'll survive a Conservative government; it could be worse.

  • 22 days ago
    last modified: 22 days ago

    Of course, TV.

    I’m looking forward to a Conservative government. It is what Canada needs right now.

  • 22 days ago

    Don't forget the nuclear option, the Governor General standing behind the curtain ready to dissolve parliament if he or the King lose the confidence of parliament. Pierra may swing the pendulum to the center but I believe he won't risk trying to go far right on policy.

  • 22 days ago

    I shopped at Walmart about 3 times when my kids were little, once for a carseat (I regret that, but our local kid store 'Junior Towne' had a higher price, and I was on a budget)

    Again, when we were to fly with little kids and the 'something-doodle' toy was popular. And I remember buying a weird travel cd player ... overall, I tried my best to be a minimalist on the kid paraphernalia and can't imagine ever going to Walmart again :)

    I want to avoid buying from Amazon, but then there it is - lightbulbs are a weakness, we inidulged in a complicated lighting collection at my house. We do have a local store Batteries and Bulbs as well as Browns Electric that I am now (thanks for this discussion) reminded to try again with those folks. It is more laborious than Amazon for sure - part of the challenge is communication about the specific needs when trying to work with local shops and the convenience of Amazon is all-too-tempting, even if I'm willing to pay a higher price to support local shops.

    I do use eBay for clothing quite a bit, I recently bought my dh a Kuhl jacket with a hood - I could have bought it from Kuhl.com but this was sold a a slight discount and I think a lot of the sellers on eBay are running a small business with a small markup after they find things on sale, so I see value in that online convenience.

  • 21 days ago

    North of the 48th conservative is very close to resembling Dems. Hence, I‘m voting C…