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Exploring local bookstores

2 months ago
last modified: 2 months ago

Yes, I have been exploring the bookstores in my new area. So far I have found five. Small city though it is, this is a college town.

First off there is a B&N. I shop there regularly for the grandkids, and once in a while for myself.

Next I stumbled across a used bookstore when looking for the main post office, which apparently moved a few years ago without notifying my car's GPS. It is away from my normal pathways, but I did find an interesting book on roses there.

Downtown, and in good weather a reasonable walking distance of my house, are two more bookstores. One did not have much to bring me back. The collection was small and seemed aimed toward the Politically and Socially Correct. The few books I might have wanted to read, I already owned. (Well, I did mention that it is a college town. Comes with the territory.)

The other downtown store will be a regular haunt. It too is small, located in a former fire station, but has an extensive SF collection. It is also located on the same street as one of our favorite breakfast places, always a bonus.

The final bookstore caught my attention though there is pretty much nothing on the shelves that I want to read. It seems to be filled with books intended to intrigue earnest graduate students. (Judgmental comment, I admit.) However, the store itself is rather delightful. There is a coffee shop on the lower level and a large open space upstairs with people typing away on their laptops, no doubt working on the next book award novel. I am including a photo I took when I visited there to share with you so that you could see why it charmed me.

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