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Is His Wedding Band Ruined?

2 months ago

Sixty years ago my fiance chose a gold wedding band for its pretty, muted three color striated finish. This year it started to fall off his hand. He didn't like any of the insert solutions you helped me find online.

Earlier this month he took the band to a jeweler to be re-sized. They first said they would cut out a section do this. Then they called to say doing so would change the finish, but they could add a permanent insert instead. He agreed to the no-cut procedure.

He picked up the ring today, paid the $125 cost, then came home to show me.

I had a hissy fit! There's a tiny bar soldered (?) into the ring, which now has a plain, bright gold, polished finish. The original striated finish is faintly visible using a magnifying glass. They told him they could restore the finish...for another $200.


He just took it back. Now they say they will restore the striated finish -- and smooth out the rough bar insert. No charge.

Can this really be done? Does anyone know the procedure? Is the ring ruined?

This jeweler was recommended by two people. <sigh>

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