Food Safety — what steps do you take to prevent food borne illness?
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Evil S510 Food 'Safety Act' passes Senate
Comments (23)I haven't commented yet and had tried to stay away from it as I try to avoid politics and policies on garden forums. Also till recently I hadn't studied it a lot. I did know most of the farmers here were against it. I have some concerns. Not about what will happen immediately but in the future. One of my concerns is why Monsanto and a few others lobbied so hard for it and also spent a fair amount in support of some legislators. I don't feel it will impact the small garden grower saving seeds for a long time if ever. Another concern is it may in time affect small seed vendors. I remember when Cargill and a few others got laws passed that eventually forced many of the small locker plants out of business. I was good friends and did business with several of them and know what happened. The initial law didn't do it but allowed the means to gradually tighten the screw till many were forced out. I can remember in the 70's when there were 8 locker plants within 60 miles. For the last 10 years there has been 2. Now with the increase in demand of people wanting either to fatten their own or buy meat they know how it was raised and also some easing of a few regulations there has been another open up. The goal of any corporation is too obtain a bigger share of the market. Whether that be a packing plant or a seed business. One way to eliminate competition is by legislation. And one way to get laws passed is too say it is for food safety. I have emailed one of my legislators asking questions. Other than that not a lot I can do but keep informed and watch how it plays out. Personally I try not to get too worked up over things I have no control of. Jay...See MoreFood Safety
Comments (12)What is in the mix is matter if it "steams" out and drips down or if it's there to begin with, the moisture content is the same....but if it cools with the lid off it will dry out somewhat. My dear late MIL thought that the water that drips off a lid or covering when you cover a hot dish would "poision" all food was left out of the refrigerator, uncovered, to cool before putting away in the refrigerator....including the stuffed thanksgiving turkey.... My poor FIL got sick every Thanksgiving, they blamed it on "rich food". My SIl reportedly got sick sometimnes too....I guess some are just more prone to food born illnesses than others. But after the first Thanksgiving, I never ate there again for a Turkey dinner....the following year someone else had the meal.....and after that I did it....and was chastized for putting the turkey away before it was cooled and people had a chance to eat a sandwich! As grain lady said....keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold" ....and with hot foods that must be chilled....make the transition fast! Linda C...See MoreAnother reminder of the importance of following food safety practices
Comments (6)When you cook for others, you are assuming a tremendous responsibility to protect them from food-borne illness. You are asking them to trust you to give them food that is safe to eat. If you don't know basic food safety, you shouldn't accept that responsibility and just cook for yourself. When I was in junior high school, the girls were required to take Home Economics, the boys took Shop. Because I had already been cooking for several years, I managed to get into both. The two things that stuck hard in my mind were washing dishes, pots, and pans, and making sure food was cooked thoroughly and then kept hot or properly refrigerated. I don't remember the teacher's name, but her favorite saying was, "Safety first, calories last."...See MoreFood Safety — what steps do you take to prevent food borne illness?
Comments (23)I'm fortunate that I nor my family members have contracted a foodborne illness (that I know of). I follow the standard guidelines, but I do intermingle my reusable bags between the grocery store, Target, farmers market, etc., without washing them nearly as often as I should. But any food that goes into a meal is adequately washed and prepared. I have a friend who works in food production, and, based on her descriptions, many recalls are due to minor human error and miscalculations that require entire recalls of products that aren't necessarily dangerous to us as consumers. This isn't to say there aren't some serious and potentially deadly threats in our food production....See More- last month
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