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List of previous (FNM) topics

last month
last modified: last month

I am not creating a new topic this weekend and am instead throwing it up for anyone else to create new topics. I hereby retire from starting new music threads, and so feel free to start one yourself.

Here's my list of previous topics:

Night, nighttime, tonight

Day, daytime, daydream

Plant Kingdom, Green, St. Patrick, Irish

Forget, Remember, Memories (II)

Birthday Party Celebration

Either/Or, Other, Another


Out, Outside, Outer

Action, Move, Motion

Tried & True, Believe, Belief

Follow After

Past, present, future (yesterday, today, tomorrow)


Care, careful, danger, fear

Will, would, shall, should

Can, Can't

Away, Apart

Worry, Trouble, Heartache, Sick, Heal

Line, Shape, Circle, Square

Blow, Blew, Wind, Storm, Stormy,

Harvest: Fruits and Vegetables

Sweet, Candy, Sugar, Honey, Desserts

Life and Death: Born, Die, Live, Alive

Rise, Stand, Fall

Over, Again

Under, Above, Below

Sides: Front, Top, Bottom, Side, Outside, Inside

Way, Ways

Keep, Hold (cf Hold Me)

Mean (intend, cruel, means, meant)

Explosion, Explode, Dynamite, Bomb

Still, Same, As, Yet

Break-up songs (from Annie)


Dance, Boogie, Names of dances; twist, mambo, tango, waltz

Let (allow)

Many, More, Much, Most, a Lot


Big and Small, Large, Little, Tiny

All, Every, Each, Everything, Everybody, Everyone

Stop and Go, (Going, Gone)


Tina Turner

Some, Any, Someone, Something, Sometimes, Anyone, Anything, Anyway

Shoot, Arrow, Bow, Gun, Weapon, Bang

Make, Made

Where, Everywhere, Somewhere, Nowhere

Electric, spark, energy, power

Solitary: Lone, Lonely, Alone, One, Only, Lonesome

Find, Search, Hunt/Hunter, Look for

North South East West, low, high

Old & New, News, Young

Rain and Snow, Melt, Flood

Bring, Carry, Wear, (tragen),


Listen, Hear, Secret, Message

Give, Get, Receive, Got, Gotten

Cool, Cold

Love (Valentine's Day)

Take, Took, Taken, Taking

Mountain, Hill, Climb, River, Valley

Better, Best

Travel, Foreign, Names of Countries

Gold and Silver, Money, Prosper, Rich

Stay or Leave: Wander, Roam, Remain, Ramble

Open and Shut/Closed

Near and Far, Close and Distant: By?




Choreography mashup

Dark, Darkness, Shadows, Fade, Nighttime, Gray

Walk, Run

Light, Bright, Shine, Lightning

Smile, laugh, happy (in general)

When; Now, Later, Always, Forever, Until

See, Look, Eyes, Vision

Royalty, queen, king, lord, lady, castle

Colors (includes white and black)

Break, Breaking, Broken, Piece(s)

No Not Never Nobody Nowhere No One

Cry, Cried, Crying, Tears, Teardrops

Who What or Why

Dream, Nightmare, Bed, Sleep, Slept


Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets

Happy 4th of July


Jazz Hands and Electro Jazz


Hello/Goodbye - Greetings

Lost and Found

Life Stages (Baby, Child, Teenager, Girl, Boy, Woman)


Easter Passover

Smoke and mirrors – fire, burn, reflection

War and Peace

Remember, forget, memories

Architecture & Interior Design: Doors, windows, furniture, buildings, etc.

Games, super bowl, Olympics, competition, win, lose, etc.

Words: talk, tell, call, speak, write/wrote, story, tale, book, text, phone

Hold me, Touch me, kiss and hug

Happy New Year Beginning End Old

Us vs Them, We or They

Food & Drink


Machines, Tools, Instruments


Come here or Go Away

Time: seconds minutes hours

Parts of the body

House & Home



Me, My/Myself & I/I’ve

Hot Fun in the Sun, Summertime

Size/Quantity (How much, how many)

Roads! (streets, avenues, blvds)

Guys & Dolls, Women & Men, Boys & Girls

Psych Out, Psycho, Illusion, Deception

"To Have and Have Not"

Directions (up, down, left, right, etc)

Do, Don’t, Will, Won’t, Does & Doesn’t

Flowers & Spring

Clothes & Image

The World & Places In It

Physical Actions

Animal Kingdom

Heart & Soul


Jeff Beck

Elton John Denver's topics / already done:

Movies Night & Day

Cops & Robbers

Is there a doctor in the house

Pick & Mix

Easy Living

“Name” that tune


I've been working

Lost in Space

In the House

Getting Around (similar to transportation)

What's in a Date

Tired of Waiting

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