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Has your weather turned cold all of a sudden?

6 months ago

It has here in Central KY. Went out to water my browning raspberry bushes before realizing they were browning, not due to lack of water, but due to the cold and Winter coming. lol. I have pretty purple snow peas forming and some purple beans still on the vines. I want to harvest my beets but I don't want to clean them in my bathroom sink, yuck.

I did pick the last viable watermelon, a Moon & Stars and took it to the neighbors'. I have some volunteer, smaller ones in another bed but don't think they'll ripen by the time it frosts.

Friend invited me to her daughter's baby shower in Virginia next weekend and it is so tempting to just leave this place for a couple days. But the thought of that long drive and needing to hold onto money right now, just not going to happen. ) :

How's your weather? Are you looking forward to the Winter? I'm not, for sure.

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