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Need throw pillow help for my white sofas!

last year
last modified: last year

I've spent countless hours online shopping for throw pillows. I'm about to give up and live a throw pillow-less life. The sofas are brand new. I'm having a hard time figuring out what accent color (and patterns) for throw pillows would look best and bring this room together. I'm attaching pics (different angles) of the room and also window coverings and area rug. This is in Arizona. Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Comments (107)

  • PRO
    last year

    Btw, I am ok with your rug. Not everything in your room is a focal point. A bright colorful rug might steal too much attention. Just something to think about. The rugs Diana posted are beautiful, but keep the whole in mind. Your art and fireplace are main focal points. Everything else is “supporting” something I would hold and keep current rug. You could slide colorful pillows on the lower shelf of your coffee table too and add color there.

    AZponygirl thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    last year
    last modified: last year

    I understand your position, txponygirl, and keeping the rug is absolutely fine. I just figured if you wanted to go further getting a more colorful rug would be an option.

    AZponygirl thanked Diana Bier Interiors, LLC
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    UPDATE I just received this Fornasetti pillow from Etsy -- it's an outdoor pillow and I intended for use on our deck. However, I kind of like it in my office. What do you think? Perhaps it can live here during the off season.
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    They both sound nice. If you’re having two made, I’d do both if possible. They don’t have to be exactly the same and that would add interest.
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    Need HELP selecting throw pillows!


    Comments (22)
    IdaClaire: My point is that no one should feel that there is anything great at stake for such a small decision. What if everyone in the country needed help making every $20 purchase? People should feel free to buy what they like and use it in their homes. Architectural Digest will never come knocking. And if people are worried about what their friends will think about their choice of pillows, then they need better friends. It's all just noise, and it bumps real dilemmas off the front page where they are more likely go get help. If something is permanent, costly, or one-time-only, that's different. And if there is a clear right way and wrong way (or dangerous way) to do something, that may pose a dilemma. But none of that is the case here and in similar questions (like buying a toaster, also posted yesterday). HGTV has scared some people into thinking that there is only a particular way to do things and that every decision is important. This is pillows! Buy 20 of them and rotate them with the season for all anybody cares. It's your home. And still not a dilemma.
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    Need help picking out throw pillows for living room!


    Comments (13)
    What does your husband have to say about the office? Does he like any of the colors/elements you have in there? If that's the new rug your getting in pic 3, that's the best source for your new colorway. Why not remove the mirror from the mantel since it only reflects the ceiling fan, and try your colorful painting in its place? See how he reacts to that injection of color. To continue in that vein, clear out the cabinet to the right, paint some luan or wallpaper some foam core cut to fit the backs of the shelves. Do you have any of that wallpaper from the office left over? Style the shelves with 1/3 books, 1/3 large decor items and 1/3 open space. Limit photos to a couple and not on the same shelf level. Put foot stands on the the smaller ones and set them on table tops, buffets, dressers or side tables throughout the house. Have you ever considered painting the fireplace satin black? Gray is so past its expiration date, IMO, and is not helping the beige sectional fit in. Every room can use some black.
    ...See More
  • last year

    I pulled together some more pillow options from the Etsy shops. I think these go with your rug and combine your colors in a way that's not so straight orange and green. I'm not suggesting to put the orange pillows on one sofa the green on the other; these are just possible combinations. And I like the original orange pillows you just bought; you could do a little high-low combination with those plus other designer ones.

    I think some of these patterns suggest Southwest without being too theme-y. The gecko embroidery may over over the top, but perhaps in a small pillow? It kind of ties in with the green guy in your art.

    It might also be good to repeat some white/light in your coffee table decor.

    AZponygirl thanked stiley
  • last year

    Diana Bier Interiors, LLc....I'd love nothing more than a new rug, but those sofas! LOL Flo Mangan....I will definitely go shopping. I really like the pillows Jilly suggested as well and I'm all for less pillows! I'm going to check out Potter Barn and the likes over the weekend. I think that green lumbar that I picked up is throwing me off.

  • last year

    @stiley....LOVE the lizard pillow!!!!! And I absolutely love those rust colored! Gives me food for thought!

  • last year

    Where did you get your small fortune sofas from? I love them!

    AZponygirl thanked Kendrah
  • last year

    @Kendrah.....Monterey Skirted sofas from Ethan Allen

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    Joining in the pillow fight I am going to re-post my first suggestion for less pillows and simple sophistication. 4 of these

    Handwoven Green Cotton Blend Lumbar Pillow With Tassels · More Info

    Still not sold on southwestern decor mixed with oversized European liquor ads, but if reptiles are being celebrated, I want to re-nominate again this William Morris for the far corner of the sofa on the diagonal from the absinthe poster. Might be quite charming

    AZponygirl thanked mytwo cents
  • last year

    You have a great eye. I just looked up the sofas on Ethan Allen and the skirting looks so fantastic. Much better than the pics on their website of the sofas without it. Just beautiful.

    AZponygirl thanked Kendrah
  • last year

    @mytwo cents love the frog! But I also loved the burnt orange velvet a LOT!

    @txponygirl To be honest, I don't like any pillows at all unless they are needed for use. I just don't like using throw pillows or blankets for decoration... Not just for looks. Know what I mean? I like a throw for when I get chilled. But if it's not something I actually use, I don't want it on my sofa. I like the clean lines of the sofa instead. And I'm not a minimalist either. It's just throw pillows are so often in the way like in the hotel I stayed in last week... Ugh! So I'd only have one if I would actually need it when sitting or napping. What about you? Does someone nap on this sofa?

    But a rug... I think you do want a rug. I'd focus on whether or not you want a different rug. If you do, tackle that first. I like to draw attention to the seating area in a living room, and some color in an area rug does that so much better than a neutral rug. But that's because I don't have your beautiful fireplace and views out your huge windows! Maybe that's why you chose a neutral rug. And maybe neutral is best for your space. What are you thinking today? Neutral rug? Is that why you are headed to the pillow store? If so, and you are keeping a neutral rug to be the shy wallflower that lets the view and fireplace shine, then wouldn't you also want shy wallflower pillows? Or do without them completely? Following that same logic, don't have anything flashy on the coffee table either. Save it for space to actually put down snacks for friends as you did, or to lay out a jigsaw puzzle (envious!). Just some thoughts... Curious as to what you think. I can see pictures but you live in that space and know how it makes you feel.

    AZponygirl thanked kl23
  • last year

    @mytwo cents....I'm going back to the drawing board. I like the idea of less pillows. I also love the frog pillow! I guess you can say my style is eclectic :D Actually, this is the first southwestern style home I've ever lived in. When buying art in the past, southwest never crossed my mind. Maybe someday I'll replace those, but for now they stay. I like the lumbar pillow idea.

  • last year
    last modified: last year

    @k L....I'm actually going to try and keep the area rug if I can. I don't like a lot of pillows, but I do need some. At least two on each sofa. My husband and I both like to lay down while watching tv. As for my coffee table, my previous living room was huge. I got rid of the sectional sofa that was way too big, and happy that I didn't have to get rid of the coffee table. I don't have a lot of stuff around because I don't particularly enjoy cleaning and therefore, less stuff in the way means less time cleaning. lol But I do think it needs a little more. :D

  • PRO
    last year

    If you both like to lay down to watch TV (I do), I like the lumbar sized pillows. They give your neck support nicely. Good for napping too! Two lumbars for each sofa is awesome. You also don’t have to go full Southwest. Your art looks like French Art Nouveau from my screen. So, unlock your inner French girl! Lol.

    AZponygirl thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    last year

    A few to ponder.

    AZponygirl thanked Flo Mangan
  • last year

    @Flo Mangan.....I actually speak french! And here I thought my taste in art was purely because of my love for alcohol! LOL Thank you for the suggestions!

  • PRO
    last year

    Aha! French Drink poster’s probably turn of the century. Really special. We lived in Brussels Belgium for 3 years and I took that train to Paris maybe 20 times. Love every thing French and Belgium too. Of course, the Belgians claim they taught the French everything they know especially about food and wine. Frites (Belgian French fries!!! OMG!). Now you made me hungry!! That urge direction I would go and bring new look to Texas! Yay!

    AZponygirl thanked Flo Mangan
  • PRO
    last year

    Is direction. Darn auto correct!

    AZponygirl thanked Flo Mangan
  • last year

    I love your sofas 😍

    AZponygirl thanked kjoy1
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    I wasn't going to go shopping today, but I wanted to return some pillows and came across these. The rust colored patterned are the same ones that a lot of you like. I came across some that are actually gray and rust. I know it's not as colorful, but it does seem to tie the area rug and the taupy grey in the drapes. What do you all think? The problem is that there were only 3 textured rust pillows and only 3 of the gray and rust. If they look good, I can see about trying to get a 4th of each. Or maybe add a small quirky lumbar to the loveseat. In person you can really see the gray in the pillows with the rust piping.

  • PRO
    last year

    They look great! Enhances rug too! Good picks. Size is great too!

    AZponygirl thanked Flo Mangan
  • last year

    I really, really like those … I think they look perfect in there. You have such excellent taste!

    I’m another who needs pillows to lounge on. I could never be comfortable on a sofa with no pillows. I’m typing on my iPad right now, watching movies, one arm resting on big pillow. :)

    AZponygirl thanked Jilly
  • last year

    @txponygirl would you humor me and take a picture of the room with just the pillows with grey?

  • last year

    @Flo Mangan & @jilly....thank you!

  • last year

    @K L.....here are the gray pillows with the rust piping. I only have 3 pillows. They don't look gray on my computer, but they are.

  • last year

    Love the combo of the rust and gray /rust pillows. They actually look like good quailty pillows too. I, personally, like your rug. Room looks serene. Clean but comfy.

    AZponygirl thanked Gcubed
  • last year

    Thanks, @txponygirl you're a dear. I appreciate you letting me learn on your time. I definitely prefer more color, not less, even with all the focal point theory.

    AZponygirl thanked kl23
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    It‘s a beautiful space. And i love your bold art over the sofa.

    You can go in any number of directions with your pillow colors and textures.

    My choice would be to do no pillows, or just a throw on the main sofa, or just a few pillows in black and white.

    AZponygirl thanked freedomplace1
  • last year

    @freedomplace1.....thank you! I have a closet full of black and white clothing. I'll try draping the pillows and see how that looks.

  • last year

    Lovely! I really like the latest rust/gray ones you bought. You have good taste, and maybe you just needed a push to go for it. Pillows are something that's fun to swap out occasionally too. You have a really nice room!

    AZponygirl thanked stiley
  • last year

    @stiley.....thank you! I'm always second guessing myself, and I really appreciate the help!

  • last year

    Odd man out 😬 I am not a fan of the new pillows. Sorry. To me the orange color makes the room a little too theme-y and somehow distracts from the art.

    AZponygirl thanked kjoy1
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    I mean, no matter what you do, some will like, some won’t … there’s nothing everyone will universally love (especially on a decorating board!), so go with what makes you happy to look at and is functional. Plus, although pictures are helpful, they’re no comparison to seeing things in person from every angle instead of fixed points regarding scale, texture, colors, etc.

    Your room is so attractive, I can’t think of much that could look bad in there!

    What does your DH think about the most current ones?

    AZponygirl thanked Jilly
  • last year

    @jilly.....thank you! You are so right! He really likes the latest combo. I'm thinking of sticking with those. They're not over the top patterned, but compliments the the art and rug. I'm going to keep the current number of pillows and when I come across a nice little quirky lumbar to add to the loveseat, I will. I love orange have accents elsewhere in my home.

  • last year

    Oh, stop it! I want your house! Wow. That bell! The posts! And your cabinets! 😍

    Was the brick already painted when you moved in? I’m normally a brick purist and against painting it, but in your house it’s absolute perfection. I don’t think any color, original or not, could look better. Swoon!

    I’m curious what the exterior material(s) are, only if you don’t mind saying. :)

  • PRO
    last year

    Usually, when you at first sight love, stick with it. The pillows in the last group are perfect to my eye in your space. I love that wall hanging. So unique. What I like most about your home, is the fact that it is not a copy of every showroom or magazine but more about your personality and sense of style. So well done! The many architectural details aren’t easy features to work with either but you have definitely nailed it! Is the stone “hill country limestone”?

  • last year

    @jilly....Thank you! This is our 7th home together in the last 30 years and probably the warmest and most inviting of all. It's an Adobe style condo that is 26 years old and was completely renovated by the previous owners in 2016. The bell is a Cosanti Originals (Paolo Soleri) The previous owners had one just like it in the exact spot. It took me nearly a year to figure out what kind of bell it was and that the art studio is literally 25 minutes down the road from where I live. lol As for the brick, it looks as though they were painted prior to installation, but I'm not sure. :)

  • last year

    @Flo Mangan.....Thank you so much for the compliment! If you are referring to the counter in the kitchen, it's actually quartz. Yes, I'm going to be keeping the last group.

  • last year

    I'm late to this but have you thought of instead of trying to match by using colours from the artwork and curtains, rather create a little tension with blues ranging through to violet. with perhaps a hint of black in the pillows. It gives you another colour for accessories as well.

    I would not replace the rug.

    AZponygirl thanked blfenton
  • last year

    @blfenton.....thank you! Never thought of those colors. There's a tiny bit of blue in the Campari print. Aside from a ton of black in my closet, I do have blues....going to try draping pillows. Still haven't taken the tags off the pillows. :D

  • last year

    txponygirl, thank you for sharing!

    I had a feeling the bell was a Cosanti — a very close friend of mine (and longtime fellow poster here), has one. I sent her a message with a link to this thread, I know she’ll enjoy seeing your decor.

    I agree that your house, besides being beautiful, looks very warm and inviting! So glad you’re both happy there. :)

    AZponygirl thanked Jilly
  • last year

    Kjoy1 is not odd man out…. I definitely like the pillows but to me they are matchy-matchy. I love your art! Maybe try to bring a bit of green into the room with pillows or a throw with some green in. I also have poster art and am surprised I don’t see it more often. I love your home. It’s very stylish and beautifully decorated!


    AZponygirl thanked djacob Z6a SE WI
  • last year
    last modified: last year

    @djacob Z5b SE WI.....thank you! I'm going to try and find a quirky little lumbar that I can add to the love seat, maybe with some green in it or a throw. :)

  • last year

    Here’s the lizard lumbar if it’s the kind of quirky you’re looking for: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1154691497/

    AZponygirl thanked stiley
  • PRO
    last year

    I love the Cosanti pieces! Thanks for reminding me of them. Yours looks spectacular there!

    AZponygirl thanked Flo Mangan
  • last year

    @stiley.....I do like that lizard pillow. I'll definitely keep it in mind!

  • last year

    @Flo Mangan....thank you!

  • last year

    @blfenton made the suggestion to add a touch of violet with the pillows. With your orange and green, she is headed to a triadic color scheme and one of my favorites. Just in case you wondered if there was any basis to the suggestion. Currently you seem to have an analogous color scheme with orange, gold, and green. Generic, this is a beautiful room, you have great taste, so I'm sure you find the perfect pillows.

    AZponygirl thanked kl23
  • last year

    I meant Generally....very different meaning than Generic. Sheesh! Sorry.

    AZponygirl thanked kl23
  • last year

    @tracefloyd.....I'm going to try! How long before my right hand stops twitching? 😂

  • last year

    Wow, looks great.

    AZponygirl thanked tracefloyd
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