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Kitchen cabinet color...please help me decide!

last year

I'm updating my kitchen from its 1989 oak glory days and recently replaced the counters with calacatta quartz and am in the midst of installing new backsplash (whitish/grayish subway tiles).

I was determined to NOT paint the cabinets white or gray cabinets and instead was trying to find a "greige" or something softer to warm up the room. I have south facing windows with mostly artificial LED lights to brighten it up. My floors are a darker greyish/brown as you can see in one of the pics.

However, the more I look at the space the more I think white is my only safe option. I put up some "greige" samples and they just looked too beige/brown in the space. I'm looking for something timeless and not overly trendy, as I can't afford to update my kitchen every few years.

Thoughts? If white, is there one you recommend? Or a color, a specific one that will complement the space? I need to decide by Thursday and keep changing my mind! Thank you fellow Houzzers!

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