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Chicken/Egg Question: Kitchen Designer first or General Contractor?

Grace Torres
last year

Hello wise people of Houzz! Thank you for the advice ahead of time. My husband and I have been saving up for a complete kitchen renovation. We know we want to move it to the adjoining room as it is a glorified hallway right now, but other than that, we are unsure of what to do next.

I have saved inspiration photos and kind of figured out the style and vibe of our ideal kitchen. As well as I have read a ton of your great advice for others on this forum, for instance like hire a kitchen designer. We have a general contractor we love using, but they don't offer services by a kitchen designer. There is a budget in mind, but I want to know how feasible it is to do it next Spring or wait another year until we can save more, so I was thinking of asking the GC for a rough estimate first. This is our forever home, so doing it right is a priority for us, even if it takes another year of saving. I have a few questions around process and what to do next since we have both never renovated a kitchen before:

1. Should I use a kitchen designer's GC instead OR have my GC hire a KD they know instead of finding one on my own OR hire my own KD to work with my GC? I wasn't sure if there was a conflict of interest in doing the first two options.

2. Is it a waste of time to ask the GC for a rough estimate before having a KD plan out something more concrete to price?

3. Can I do the kitchen design process with a KD separately now then bring it to my GC when we are ready financially to get an estimate and actually demo?

4. When is the right time to bring in a kitchen designer? We know we need to work on the space where the kitchen will go, like maybe move doors, windows, etc. Should they be involved right before all of that is decided or do they need a more finished space to work in? Not sure of the level of construction changes is in their toolkit. For plumbing and doors and windows, my gut is saying from the beginning, but I wasn't sure.

I may be overthinking things, but I really don't know what the next step is in getting the kitchen reno going. We recognize it's the most expensive and functional room of the house we will reno, so doing it properly and setting up expectations financially is important. Any advice out there for starting this kitchen reno process?? Thank you again--it all seems pretty overwhelming right now!

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