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Wallpaper experts! Will this wallpaper show seams ?

last year
last modified: last year


i am trying to choose a wallaper for my dining room. I like this one, it is a metallic textured, with horizontal textured lines. by York called Shining Sisal. its sort of close to a faux grasscloth look, bur not labeled as a grasscloth ( if that makes sense)

I don‘t like how the seams are visibke once installed with real or even faux grasscloth.

I had 1 wallapper installers tell me I will see the lseams.

I had a second installer me I will not see the seams

The First customer service rep I called at York said I will see the seams.

Then she followed up with an email saying another employee at York told her I will not see them

The store that sells wallpaper said I will not see the seams. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I cannot get a straight answer. Can any expert or member that perhaps has this wallpaper chime in and let me know your experience with it? Thanks so much!!

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