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Garden Design - Border Depth

last year


I am looking for guidance on border depth. i am re doing my front garden, it has been used for building materials but a chamelia and some other bushes have survived.

We will be having a square lawn with 3 borders, one which is a border to the drive and one is a border to the front street but walled.

I want to plant rose bushes, periannials, flowers like cosmos in the front. Lavender and a low shrub to the driveway and the other side I havent decided yet but that is where the chamelia is.

i was thinking 1.5mtrs at the front and 1mtr on the sides but this feels quite big so now i am thinking 1mtr at the front and 70cm at the sides which is what is was before anyways.

does anyone hve any advice? i should also mention i have a young child and work so time is important.

thanks in advance

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