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Halloween potato chips

I'm in Canada. And I've been watching TikTok videos (careful if you haven't started, it's highly addictive). Since Halloween night, there have been SO many videos of people whose children received Old Dutch potato chips in their bags, but when the parents open the bag there is either one chip, a few crumbs or nothing at all inside the bags. It had to have been a computer glitch at the factory because there are also videos of people opening theirs and it's half full of chips like they're supposed to be.

An American said, "you give out potato chips?" And a lot of Americans said they've never heard of it, or only ever got one because they lived close to the Canadian border.

So my question for you is: do you hand out bags of potato chips, or have you ever gotten any?

We handed out a small bag of chips along with a baggie that had about 5 small bars and candies in it. I don't hand out chips often as they fill smaller kids buckets and bags too fast.

My grandsons bag was about 1/3 bags of chips and cheezies and he also had a few full sized bars and 2 regular sized cans of pop along with tons of small candy and chocolate bars.

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