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Does a standard depth panel ready refrigerator exist?

2 years ago

We are renovating our kitchen and the refrigerator will be free standing between a partial wall and pantry door. We only have room for 36" wide refrigerator and it doesn't need to be counter depth (as it's free standing), so I have been searching without luck for a standard depth panel ready option. We are a family of 4 so I really don't think counter depth would be large enough for our needs and I can't go wider. The back wall with pantry and fridge is a focal point so I really want panel ready.

I attached an inital rendering of new kitchen layout. There is currently a load bearing wall to the right of the refrigerator, it will be removed but a small section needs to remain for beam support, so the refrigerator cannot move and a deeper refrigerator will also allow a deeper wall and shorter beam length. Hope that makes sense.

Thanks for any insight!

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