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Cedar Siding Issues

I would love some expert advice/input.

My cedar siding installed on a new construction home (January 2022) is giving us problems. The stain is peeling w/ the wood attached to it - see video. Builder thinks the siding supplier never measured the moisture content prior to staining and maybe that's the culprit. They are going to try to resand and restain but I"m worried the wood itself wasn't good quality/problematic. Before they do this, they decided to use meter to measure moisture content today which is at about 6% now. (I heard wood needs to be at 12-13% dryness or lower).

What does this mean? That the wood WAS at the proper moisture content when stained/installed? OR is it possible for siding to dry up and lose moisture once installed and over time? THATS THE BIG QUESTION . I'm guessing they are suggesting there was nothing wrong w/ the wood to begin with and it did in fact have correct moisture content.

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