Creating a cheerful table for afternoon tea
2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago
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- 2 years agolast modified: 2 years ago
- 2 years ago
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Thursday tea
Comments (13)Easy, peasy. All you really have to do is stuff some sprigs of sweet woodruff into a bottle of white wine (I used Riesling), recork, and let steep in refrigerator several hours or overnight. The sweet woodruff infuses the wine with delicate notes of sweet vanilla and fresh mown hay--it's like springtime in a glass! YUM! Great by the glass, or make a punch bowl to share with family and friends. Add some sparkling water or champagne, some fresh strawberries (and orange slices if you want), maybe a little brandy (optional), then sweeten to taste with superfine sugar, or honey. Deelish! I hope you all enjoy. :) Becky p.s. Annette, would love to see a photo of your sweet woodruff growing. Have no idea where to plant my little itty bitty plant (in the shade?), or how tall or rampant does it get? etc. Online photos are all closeups.. MAY WINE WITH SWEET WOODRRUFF (GERMAN MAIWEIN- WALDMEISTERBOWLE) Here is a link that might be useful: May Wine Punch (German Maiwein - Waldmeisterbowle)...See MoreNEW: Petal Pushin' Some Christmas Cheer
Comments (151)OK, this morning the snow was pretty, now the wind kicked back up and is turning the snow into little tiny frozen missiles. Frances, please order the storms to come with 50 degree temperatures! Please? Pretty Please? Becki, it wasn't too bad last night. We were all snuggled up under blankets in the living room by the fire. That storm was pretty wicked. I can see exactly why you were so concerned about Dave driving home in all that. The winds were blowing my van around today when I drove Dan to school, I can't imagine driving a bigger truck through that. We have a few more days of this and then the Alberta Clipper is coming to visit!...See MoreDo you have a silver tea set?
Comments (109)When I was married for the first time 50 years ago, my father's brothers and sisters (I think there were 5-6 still living at that time) gave me a silver tea service. They asked to me choose the one I wanted and I choose Reed & Barton's Winthrop Hand Chased. It is silver plate, not sterling. They were unhappy I got plate - hard to tell them the check needed to be WAY bigger for sterling! It's lived first on a Victorian chest and then on two different side boards for 50 years. My previous side board, though not as fine as my present one, was a better size for a set that is so large - that tray is HUGE! If I were choosing today, I'd choose antique silver-plate and a more classic, plainer style. But I love it and I love that they gave it to me, so it stays on my small sideboard. Here it is decorated for Thanksgiving a few years ago. At the moment, it needs polishing - yard man's doing a major silver polish next Sat!...See MoreRetail therapy needed--linens for Grandma's tea set . . .
Comments (53)BIG HUG to everyone who shared about losing their parents. I feel ya! The problem with losing a parent as an adult is not that one misses or needs parenting, it's losing the history and shared memories that is so difficult, at least for me. And then like Funky says, my mother was such an optimist, joie de vive person, and then she died on a most ordinary day, doing a most ordinary thing and there was no happy ending/rescue to be found. I try and appease my sorrow by continuing on with her traditions. I can't hardly have tea in the afternoon though, because my Mom died at tea time. I know that she was probably planning on making herself a cuppa after unloading those groceries, looking forward to it . . . but anyway, teatime is such a strong tradition in my Mom's family, all the kids of all her cousins tell me the same thing, they have all these memories of teatime . . . We had a memorial tea at the library after Mom's funeral (she was the librarian there) and when I got married in 2018 it was just outside of the area where the family farms were, and we had tea in all their honor. One of my Mom's few remaining cousins gifted me with a teapot that my Grandmother had given her as a wedding present. Then ironically my own cousin died a month later of a massive stroke. I still am haunted by her saying that one thing she wanted to do with me was have tea on Grandma's tea set. Never got to do it, although we did have many teas together. I hope this spring I can find at least one relative willing to have tea with me . . . they are far flung now, I doubt any would come to my house, they never ever have, even when my Mom was alive. Only my beloved cousin would visit . . ....See MoreRelated Professionals
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