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A rose in hand is worth two in the bush

As an experiment, I had overwintered a few favorite potted roses in my unheated garage this winter and 4-5 weeks ago started to ”wake them up” indoors under LED grow lights. Results are turning out to be better than hoped for and I am starting to enjoy some initial blooms now almost two months before the first outdoor roses might start flowering in my area. You all have no idea how heartening it is to tend these roses burgeoning with new growth and buds while the weather in the frozen north is still wild and brutish.

Brindabella Purple Prince is a stellar rose with a bushy, almost twiggy growth habit and a heady damask perfume of the type only found in certain modern roses (think Crimson Glory et al). Here it is surrounded by foliage and developing buds of Bolero and Gruss an Teplitz:

Sunrosa Fragrant Pink was received a few weeks ago as a tiny rooted cutting. I am not sure if it is technically a miniature or a miniflora. This first bloom is surprisingly fragrant of tea rose and sweet-tart raspberry:

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