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"Trap Cropping" with Blue Hubbard Squash against squash vine borers???

2 years ago

Of late, like many people here, I cannot grow a single summer squash. I tear out my hair, jump up and down, nothing works. Only squashes I have been able to grow at least till last year are the Italian Trombochino type squashes, the Italian Cucuzi squash and Butternut squash. All of these can withstand the squash vine borer bugs. The other squash plants die before they even set flowers. But up till a few years ago I could grow any squash I wanted.

This season I am going to try injecting with BT. I also want to try 'trap cropping'. Here is a link to a good write up about it.

The idea is to grow a 'trap' plant, in this case Blue Hubbard Squash, starting a few weeks before you plant the desired crop. The SVB are far more attracted to the trap plant Hubbard squash than other squashes so will be laying eggs on it and will be distracted away. Meanwhile you will stealthily spray some systemic insecticide, or by some other means, kill the bugs infecting the hubbard squash. These bugs are attracted to the compound cucurbitacin and Hubbard squashes produce this in profusion and even more so when they flower. With the Hubbard squash plants still growing and flowering you plant the squashes you want to grow.

The article seems to suggest that this technique, together with disciplined pest management, the SVB can be managed (conquered?).

Sounds like a good idea on paper. Have any of you tried this in your home garden? Did it work at least a little? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you!!!!

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