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Is my HVAC contractor giving me the best information???

Jonathan S
2 years ago
last modified: 2 years ago


Happy New Year! Thank you everyone in advance with your assistance on this.

I'm building a 1,600 sqf house with a 3 ton Gree Split Type, and I'm concerned my HVAC contractor is not giving me the best guidance. I question many of his decisions and his lack of creative options for me. I have a room that is 37X15' with vaulted 14' ceilings at their tallest point and 10' at the lowest of the pitch.

The concern I have is he wants 3, 4' registers in this room and to build a soffit that is going to be atleast 4' tall. My wife is completely beside herself cause now our 14' wall is going to have a huge soffit and the complexing part is 1/2 the wall doesn't need it but because there are 2 registers in the kitchen area with independent ducts, it forces us to make the soffit the same size the entire length of the house.

My question is do we need this many registers and can the two registers in the kitchen area be on the same duct so we don't have to stack two ducts on top of each other. Also if you look at the attached pics, perhaps we only need two registers in total instead of 3. One register can go in the wall above the doorway since there's an attic behind it and the other register in the living room can also go in the wall since we can build our soffit on the other side of the wall. I understand the registers may need to be smaller to compensate for cutting into studs.

Please see attached pics. The wall separating the kitchen and living room is being knocked down.

Here's a video of the layout:
Btw, is a 5 ton too much as well for 1,600 sqf with 10-14' ceilings?

Thank you!!! And apologies if I left out any information, I can provide it in the comments.


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