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Pulley for game room lamp

3 years ago

Hello, there is a 3-lamp fixture I am looking to purchase to install over the billiard table. I would like to replace the hanging chain that comes with it with a pulley system since we also use the billiard table for playing ping pong (by placing a table top over it). Ideally, the pulley system would have a handle to easily push the lamp up or down depending on the game being played.

I live in the MD/DC/VA area and not sure who would be in the business of selling or building pulley systems for lamps.

Years ago I found someone (a remote business location) to design and assemble a pulley system. But it required standing on a foot stool to turn a thumb screw at the stem to raise or lower. Worse, the electrician who installed it did not use the proper mounting hardware and it came crashing down, breaking and bending the pulley system and the glass. Attached is a photo from its glory days. The gentlemen who built the pulley is no longer in business.

Hoping someone out there has an idea or referrals!


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