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Can anyone ID these mini plants? Tag says "Foliage", LOL

I made some mini planters in pottery class and wanted mini plants to go in them. There's a nursery I know that sells starter plants in 2" pots; I think for terrariums. I asked at the nursery, but they did not know the specific cultivar names.

In the first photo of 3 plants, I know the far left and middle are peperomias, but which varieties?

In the second photo of 2 plants, the larger one on the right is an arboricola, but which one? If anyone can ID these, I'd appreciate it. Also finding out how big they might get and how quickly.

The pots I made are 3". The two peperomias and the silvery leaf plant had very little root mass at all. I could see that both the peperomias had been propagated from a leaf, which was very cool. 3 leaves got knocked off the smaller peperomia in transit, so i tucked them into the surface soil, thinking I might get some babies too.


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