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New Hydrangeas Update!

This morning I took some photos to compare the bloom progress on Quickfire Fab and Firelight Tidbit in comparison to my other paniculata hydrangeas. I planted both of these last fall, so they are young shrubs.

Quickfire and Little Quickfire are both around the same bloom progression right now. First QF, then LQF.

Next up, Quickfire Fab, which is not too far behind the other Quickfires, but certainly not ahead of them.

And the next two photos are of Firelight, followed by Firelight Tidbit (with Annabelle behind).

QF, LQF, and Firelight have been in the ground for four years, I think. LQF is my favorite, densely packed with blooms, much more so than full-sized QF. I’m really excited about QF Fab, though, and looking forward to seeing it in full bloom! Just gotta keep the deer away from it… :-/

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