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Blooming on Wednesday.

It's been a busy day here--vet in the morning for the Riley and Sparky--just their annual shots. Then therapy for my daughter and a haircut and grocery store in the afternoon. There was almost no time to get pictures. In fact, I only got seedling pix. Truth be told, the flowers aren't that nice this year. The cool temps followed by July hot and humid and now dry has taken its toll on them.

There were a few nice seedlings.

The first two are my daughter's seedlings.

I love the color on Cosmic Sensation X Absolute Ripper.

My daughter bought some seeds from John Kulpa a couple of years ago. This one is Gloria Kulpa X Unknown.

This is Let's Dance Tonight X Jewel of Jewels. It's a big flower on a good scape (first year bloom).

This is Bodacious Bite X Unknown.

Snidely Whiplash X Von Rock

Wolverine X Spacecoast Thorny Devil

That's all for me. Maybe tomorrow I can get some photos of named varieties.


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