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HELP me fix a major staircase error in a new cabin!!

3 years ago

Long story short-
The architect that drew the original plans for the location and configuration of the stairs in our new
Cabin was a complete moron. So we now have to figure out a decent spot to put these stairs. The first pic is the view from the front door/entry space. The second picture is the view from the kitchen that is at the back of the room.

The first landing is currently sitting practically in the living room. Our original vision was something that kept the two rooms flowing with an open concept, so it was suggested to do a spiral staircase to minimize the amount of space used? I’d prefer something like a floating staircase up against the right wall but The two beams In the loft are load bearing and have to stay where they are. So if the stirs were against the wall, they wouldnt line up with the opening between the two beams and look off.

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