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How can I liquidate original art by recognized artists?

3 years ago

When I was estate administrator for my aunt's property, I came across artwork, sketches, personal notes and hand-written instructions and painting tips done by Doris Grasso and Wayne Morrell. My aunt was an artist, and she vacationed in Rockport, MA where she met these people and became friends.

I found many links to works by Grasso, none sold for under $800, but they were framed on canvas. Mine are on art board and paper. I've hit a dead end here since almost all local art galleries are closed because of COVID restrictions. I did contact two art museums in Cape Ann. I am still waiting to hear from one and the other wasn't interested in them. I don't even know if these "non-typical" artist's artifacts have any value or how best to best liquidate them.

Here are just a few examples:

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