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Simple brandy cream ligueur recipe for bad coffee?

l pinkmountain
3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago

There are several factors leading me to want to put some type of alcoholic flavoring in my coffee. One, I can't drink at night, makes me wake up and not fall back to sleep, so i like to have a little shot of something in my morning coffee to enhance the effects of the caffeine. Mind you i drink one cup of this, or perhaps two at the most over the course of a morning.

Second, we can't really afford great coffee, and hubs likes ratty bitter stuff . . . so I'm often wanting to tone it down. Hubs drinks coffee with two teaspoons sugar and a big glug of half and half, so no wonder he doesn't mind drinking icky coffee. I find that concoction WAY too sweet, but a shot of Bailey's is perfect to make the coffee tolerable. Don't know why, they are both sugary.

Third, I looked at the ingredients even of Bailey's and particularly the cheaper American versions, and they don't use whiskey, I'm assuming they use cheap brandy. So I bought some brandy, but I can't quite find the combination of flavors to match the Bailey's. Online calls for adding stuff like almond, coconut and vanilla. I don't like coffee with amaretto or coconut. I like the bandy kick. Some add instant coffee flavoring. The best so far was heavy cream sweetened with brown sugar. i tried fake hazelnut flavoring, did not like. I love real frangelico but can't afford that either. Anyone have a good flavored condensed milk recipe? Should I just try the sweetened condensed milk straight? The brown sugar paired well with the coffee IMHO, and I've read people espousing the joy of sweetened condensed milk for its caramel undertones . . . Just pondering another mild flavor component that would give it that certain something, but cost effectively . . .

Anyone ever made something they liked that had a kick, was flavorful but not cloyingly sweet? I've tried coffee with just a touch of sugar, that doesn't do it for me either, it has to have some other flavor component. I don't like straight amaretto but maybe some cheap cream de cacao? Some recipes called for chocolate syrup . . .

Anyone with experience to share?

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