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New sofa advice-What to do?

4 years ago

DH and I are having a stand-off on purchasing a new sofa. We both agree we need one asap, and I'm ready to order the thing online instead of waiting for Covid to be over. He wants to sit on the sofa and also lay on it before we buy one. I'm already embarrassed. Do people actually do that in furniture stores? :)

A couple of problems. DH has a bad back and can only get comfortable on the sofa so he chooses to sleep there more often than not at night, and he loves to lay there and watch football on weekends. Our sofa is not a sleeper sofa either.

Add to that two 100 lb. dogs. If neither of us are sitting on the sofa the two dogs are sprawled out. If DH is sleeping, one of the dogs is at the opposite end.

Dog beds didn't work, plus the cats stole them.

The seat cushions are almost smashed and they sink into the sofa a bit, and they're not the kind that comes off.

Is there a sofa known to man where the cushions will last, not sink into the sofa, and also be comfy to someone like DH?

I was thinking, our last sofa was a sleeper and the cushions never sank into the sofa because of the hard mattress under them.

Would buying a sleeper sofa solve our problem? Our old sleeper was very comfy without pulling out the bed.

Any suggestions? I cannot finish my LR re-do until we get a sofa, which is why I want to buy one online. And where online I have no idea. All of them look the same.

Comments (38)

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    I think you should wait until he can try it out. Sit on it, not lay on it unless he can be very subtle about it.

    I ordered a sofa online once for my living room because I was hosting holidays and the only one who can stand to use it now is a teenager who sits on it sideways and crosslegged to do homework. She will also do homework on the floor. It sure looks good though!

    (Sleeper sofas are supposed to be horribly uncomfortable as couches. I had one for yeeeears and it was the most comfiest ever. My mom slept on it in couch form when she was having back issues even though we had a nice guest bed. But they have probably earned their bad reputation so it really must be sat upon first.)

    Maybe you can compromise and first find him a recliner that doesn't look bad and has a good return policy (more likely with a recliner than a sofa?), and then you can buy a couch unsat for you and the dogs who probably are less picky.

  • 4 years ago

    I would not buy a sofa online. My sister did and it lasted all of 6 months before she was unhappy with it. Furniture stores are not overwhelmingly busy, just go at an off time. You’ll be glad you did.. I bought a new Craftmaster sofa in July though and it wasn’t delivered until mid October.

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  • PRO
    4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Sorry, agree with hubby. I sat on dozens of sofas, and would lie down (taking shoes off) on ones who passed the sitting comfort test, to find my sofa. https://smithbrothersfurniture.com/top-ten-reasons/

    Furniture stores, especially during the day on weekdays were not busy even before COVID. Just be prepared to chase salespeople away before they get close to you.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    We just bought new sofas. My husband insisted on laying on it (he didn't put his feet on there). The furniture store guy did not care an ounce since we walked into the store and bought two sofas and a large chair immediately, did not require any financing, and he worked on commission.

    We did a LOT of sofa testing because Molly beagle likes to push the cushions down and scrunch them up and because my husband did not like our last two sofas (which were very expensive Drexel Heritage that he lived with for 10 years due to the cost despite the fact he hated sitting on them). We ended up with two from Raymour & Flannigan and they are both firm and comfortable.

    I'm not sure how they will be over the long-term, but with a 15-month-old, I doubt anything will last long term.

  • 4 years ago

    I love all the replies, they made me smile. Okay, in store it is. Covid will have to let up though, I don't want to drive 30 min to the city and see a lot of people there. This is OK, where people don't believe in science.

    The other day I caught DH looking at sofas online & I very firmly told him he had best not order one without my approval.

    This is his idea of decorating. While building our large living room which was going up so fast I didn't have time to think about the little things, like electrical outlet placement. I walked into the room on the concrete floor and right in the middle was an outlet. I was so clueless I had no idea you could do that, so I congratulated DH on thinking of something so important because our furniture would float. He smiled and said that's where his recliner goes. Right in front of the TV in the middle of the room. Over my dead body!

    Fori, he has a recliner, the kind without the foot rest, but there's an ottoman. He goes back and forth, but sleeping is on the sofa.

    Looking online there simply aren't any sofas with pattern. The colors are so limited and I don't want to pay for the store to upholster one. What gives? Our past two sofas had nice patterns, not busy patterns either.

    Beagles, I appreciate how you take your dog into consideration, so you KWIM. lol BTW, your son is way too light to hurt a sofa, unless he ends up being the type who runs with scissors.

    I'm silently seething at DS. When he remarried earlier this year his new wife had nice furniture and they decided to use her sofa. His sofa was almost brand new, perfect size, perfect color. He said we could have it when Covid was over. Two weeks ago I told him we'll put masks, gloves, sheets, whatever on and do the sofa NOW. Well, he decided to use it in his office upstairs where he's working fulltime from home now. What can I say? Give it to me? lol

  • 4 years ago

    I won’t buy furniture online either. I need to sit on it, feel it and see the fabric. We usually end up going custom and choosing the fabric. Going the custom route, you can also often choose the cushions Too, so that might help you out. I would get removable cushions so you can turn and if they do flatten, you can have new cushions inserted.

  • 4 years ago

    Another one here who has sworn off online or even catalog furniture. I bought my current sofa from a catalog at a high end furniture store. It’s always been too hard. I am trying to rationalize getting rid of it even though it looks okay

  • 4 years ago

    Years ago, I slipcovered my sofa, and when I did, I bought a single piece of foam for the back and a single piece for the seat. Luckily for me, this fabulous foam store is in Houston, but I think they ship, so I'll include a link. They offer memory foam as well as other types. So I'm wondering, would your current sofa work with all new foam cushions, slipcovered in the fabric of your choice?

    The Foam Store

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    I don't have back problems but my first reaction is --- can you find a mattress that works for DH. Sleep is soooo important for health and sleeping on a sofa in front of a TV is not good for him or you or the sofa. : ) Have you exhausted (ha ha) every option there.? I'd make that the priority.

    My second impression is: get the dogs off the furniture too. I know, I know, I' a Grinch. To think I am mad at mine for sleeping on the floor *next* to the sofa. (which should be white but thank goodness is slipcovered so when she gets the skirt dirty i have options). Get them on their beds, and get the cats their own beds. They cost less than new sofas. Time to whip everybody into shape! Esp 100 lb dogs! My dog likes her bed (maybe because I let her pick out the fabric) as long as it is placed as close to us as possible!

    Yes, I would only buy a sofa if I saw an example in person.I would not lie down on it; I think if it is comfy to sit on it is comfy to sleep on, no? I mean as long as it fits you (which you can just measure). YMMV. If I knew someone who insisted, Id ask the salesperson if it was ok. And whatever they do, don't drool!

    Now can we do the fun part? Let's shop!

  • 4 years ago

    We are in the process of now furnishing our Florida house. We bought a Lexington sofas for the TV area. Made sure DH agreed to it. He selected the cushion softness, it looks great, but it is not as soft as the store.

    I was told though by a furniture repair man that it’s better to start off firmer as the cushions will break down

    Anyhoo, we just ordered a sofa and two chairs that will be delivered next month for the living room. I am guessing they too will not be as soft.

    I have a sofa band two chairs from Ethan Allen for over 25 years. They feel great. The problem is the wear. I want to replace but I know DH would not be happy.

  • 4 years ago

    I bought a very good Italian leather sofa -can't think of brand name right now - it is very comfortable and DH lies on it to watch football, etc, etc. It will probably last forever and the only problem with it is - the color has faded badly on two of the cushions. I could probably have the leather redyed but haven't looked into it yet - besides what would DH lie on in the evening. LOL

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Chssey, a friend actually dyed his worn leather sofas himself! He wanted new sofas but couldn't find anything he liked as much. He felt he had nothing to lose by trying it himself.

    They came out really good. The sales rep told hime the colors to use.

  • 4 years ago

    If you and DH like the one your son has, would it make sense to get one just like it? i'm in the market for new sofa and chair(s) so I fully understand your frustration. Bought a new mattress in late August with hesitation to lay on it but had to, keeping head off pillow. Awkward. Bought it and of course much softer in store than one delivered. Now I'm looking for a topper.

  • 4 years ago

    Arapaho, When we switched our K for a Q from the guest room, I decided to buy a topper. I liked the mattress fine but I notice hotels all use toppers now and I kind of like it. Anyway, we ended up with this one and like it a lot, FWIW.


  • 4 years ago

    Oakley I would not buy a sofa without a sit test and in the case of your DH an appropriate no shoes stretched out test. But even that is no guarantee of comfort at home anymore than the ridiculous 2 minute (at best) mattress tests we have all done in a store and assume it translates to a good night's sleep! As mentioned, a showroom sofa that is tested over and over won't feel the same as a new one. And sitting for a few minutes doesn't translate to a long afternoon in front of the TV binging on a show.

    I'm also looking for furniture and stumbled on a consignment leather sofa. I sat on it, my friend sat on it. I made DH go back with me a couple of days later and he sat on it. We even had our dog with us and the store owner said 'get her up there so she can test it too!' . We spent a good 30+ minutes sitting, getting up, removing cushions to see underneath, sitting again, unzipping cushions to look at (and smell) the foam and fluffy stuff, sitting some more, changing positions (I like to sit half sideways with legs up) and doing everything but spending the night on it. The leather was beautiful, excellent condition but not so pristine that I would fret over it so we bought it. It's a great sofa, good brand. But we have discovered it sits a little too low for long movies and we both get uncomfortable. To sit for 30 minutes or so, not a problem. But a couple of hours + in the evening reading or watching tv is not so great so I'm on the hunt again.

  • 4 years ago

    I'm in agreement with the rest trying out -- although we did go to some stores (it was relatively crowded, btw) and try a bunch of sofas and chairs -- and didn't find a whole lot of variance once you got to a certain level of quality (yes, there is a difference in cushions but nothing as bad as the worn set on our sectional). We even thought about getting the existing one reupholstered but that was just as much of an expense and hassle. Try mid-week when your infection levels decline; some of the furniture places around me are also taking appointments.

  • 4 years ago

    Hmmm...well DS knows there's a pandemic. Wouldn't he be willing to loan you his office sofa? :)

  • 4 years ago

    Tell DS you will buy him a new sofa later if he will let you take his now. After all, how much use is it getting in his office.

  • 4 years ago

    I would definitely recommend trying before buying. Most of the upholstered pieces we have are from Ethan Allen; they simply don't die (our DD has a sectional that is over 30 y.o. and still perfectly comfortable) and you can choose from various levels of firmness.

  • 4 years ago

    Yaya, the sofa I have now is deep seated and I love curling up at the end. I can't sit up straight or my feet will dangle off it, which is okay.

    This is the style I have now and I want the same again Long, three cushions, and deep seated. I actually like the color shown in the link.

    Mtn, half the time the dogs sleep on the rug. But I can tell you now when we do get a new sofa, DH and I will both lay down the law. One of the dogs will sleep on his dog cushion in the sun on the patio, but not inside. Oh no, he has standards.

    We also made ourselves separate bedrooms because he snores so loud and I'm a light sleeper, and I kick the crap out of him at night. I know I do it, I kicked my own shins one night and it hurt. The TV automatically goes off after a few hours, so it's no big deal. He sleeps like a rock and rarely snores now. For some reason it helps his snoring.

    Fori, I think he got spoiled with the sofa. The kids will come in and visit while he's working and they love sitting there and I'd bet he takes cat naps on it too. I am angry though but I won't say anything else.

    Best, we really do need a new sofa. It's a shame because this was one of my favorites.

    I'm chomping at the bit to get a new rug and lamps.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    @DLM2000-GW have you looked to see if you can switch out the legs on your sofa for slightly taller legs? Etsy has loads of furniture legs. If the sofa sits directly on the floor, you could add these risers and get 2” more height, but I’m unsure of how they would look.

    Oakley says:

    Looking online there simply aren't any sofas with pattern. The colors are so limited and I don't want to pay for the store to upholster one. What gives? Our past two sofas had nice patterns, not busy patterns either.

    @Oakley, I don’t think you’d pay the store to re-upholster a sofa. You’ll just special order it in the manufacturer’s fabric of your choice. For instance, this sofa has loads of fabrics you can have it upholstered in. Click on the “fabric/leathers” tab to the right of the photo to see the choices.

    P.S. I have a friend whose husband loves to sleep on the sofa. She bought a 2 cushion sofa. He did not like it because his booty slipped down where the 2 cushions met. So, based on that experience, you might want to look for a single cushion or 3 cushions. 😉

  • 4 years ago

    FYI, we recently ordered a new sofa and were told it would be 4-5 months for delivery. The factory in NC is working with a reduced crew for distancing. It doesn't matter since nobody sees our trashed sofa but us. We never buy top quality any more since I know that I will want to change it or we will move, etc. So we generally go with middle of the road brands.

  • 4 years ago

    @bbstx funny you should mention that - DH is planning to modify the existing legs but I'll take a look at what's available ready made - it would sure be faster!

  • 4 years ago

    Just wondering if a sofa with built in recliners might not meet his needs. I have one with a chaise on one side and while I use it all the time, all the stuffing gets pushed toward the feet as I sit there all the time. Then I have to reverse the cushion for days at a time ... and no the cushion has a notch in it so it's not designed to be reversed, which makes the sofa an absolute mess...just to get the filling to work back toward the seat.

    I'm looking into a power recliner sofa to replace it. I think it would give me more support and solve this cushion squooshing issue too.


  • 4 years ago

    Bb, it definitely will be three cushions. We didn't know this but after we brought our last sofa home, the cushions aren't reversible! I think that's a new trend. I just remembered, one of the cushions has a bed pillow under it. :)

    Nanny, you can't fight a cat, they always win. So do grandkids.

  • 4 years ago

    DLM - along with possibly extending the legs, how about a large ottoman at the appropriate height on which to stretch out your legs when watching movies, then you wouldn't be 'sitting too low', right?

  • 4 years ago

    Annie, that's certainly a pretty sofa/recliner. We use a coffee table so there's no room for one.

    I think back and can't help but wonder why the quality of furniture has changed so much. Sofas used to last forever.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    @oakley, @annieD -- I'm facing the same thing. I'm finding the same issue with cushion on the chaise side, in the FR (accelerating during this stay at home time). It seems like it is never the frame/structure that fails but the cushions that need to be replaced. And the reupholstery quote makes me question that option (although I could just replace the cushions, without refreshing the fabric).

  • 4 years ago

    @Indigo Rose we have a cushioned coffee table and I am always feet up! But the sofa is still too low - part can be remedied with new legs but the foam in the cushions seems to have lost its oomph. We have a great place for foam and so I'm going to bring one cushion in and see what they recommend. They help with sizing/fitting and since the leather is in great shape new foam will be worth it.

  • 4 years ago

    DLM, check into latex foam. I had my sectional recovered and they made new cushions. I had them use dunlop latex foam..it was an upcharge but it will last forever; it doesn't break down like the polyurethane foam. It's firm, which I like, but not hard.

  • 4 years ago

    @Gooster you can get new foam for your cushions. I'm assuming your cushions zip on/off? Actually, now I can't recall if ours do, I'll have to check lol! We had wicker furniture in our sunroom at one time and instead of those flat, uncomfy cushions on the sofa, I went to the foam store and had foam sofa cushions cut. I then had a lady do zip on/off covers for the cushions. SO much more comfortable and supportive. We had them for several years. I've never had a sofa with cushions you can't flip @Oakley. Do you mean the bottom side is a different fabric that the top side?

  • 4 years ago

    @Tina Marie thanks... I've looked into it and it does seem like an option, but I'm thinking I also need to get the fabric redone as well which blows out the cost.

  • 4 years ago

    Tina, the material is different on the underside of the cushions. I had no idea until it was too late.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Oakley, that is really weird! But if you like the sofa and it is in good condition, maybe check on having it recovered.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Back in the 1990s when I was working for JRS, Inc custom furniture company, Sharon Stone came into our showroom and was interested in one of our sofas, but she wanted the showroom model sent to her house for one night before she would decide whether she wanted to buy one. Everything we sold was made to order, and was normally to the trade only, as we did not usually sell retail. The owner decided to make an exception for Sharon Stone, and so she got to borrow the showroom model for one night. She did decide that she liked it and bought one that was made specially for her. I saved some of the leftover fabric from that order and used it when I made a silk patchwork bedspread for my mother.

    Anyway, my point is that it is normal to sit on a sofa before buying it, but who knows what Sharon Stone did on our sofa the night it was in her house?

    Incidentally, our truck driver was thrilled to get to deliver the sofa and pick it back up.

  • 4 years ago

    Lars, that's hilarious! Truth be told, I'm sure there are many people who sleep on the couch. I'll give DH a little etiquette lesson before buying one.

    Tina, the sofa is full of dog smell. I've always heard about dog smell and I never knew what it was because none of my dogs had an odor, until these two bozo's. Usually in the summer. Baking soda does the job but not for a couch.

    Here's the sofa when it was in better condition. I was in the process of buying a new coffee table. I weep because I loved this sofa. I want the same style.

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