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Aid in tile selection around fireplace

Adam Johnson
3 years ago and decor&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjdqfwKOh7QIVlQiICR3Gfwk0EAAYASAAEgJTofD_BwE

Happy thanksgiving to all!

The link provided is to the tile shop where I will be selecting the chosen option!

The first two photos of tile were options I selected after perusing the store initially. I am not fully set on either of these options. The space is quite small and I thought a lighter tile as opposed to a dark would be better for the space. Thoughts on this?The 12 x 12 option (square) would be the easiest to install and would follow a similar pattern to what was there before. The other would be offset and would like to apply it all the way to the ceiling. A limiting factor is that these are slightly raised pieces and unsure how that will look on the ground. Would another tile be better on the ground? What color? Unsure without having consistency how it would look. Certain tiles such as herringbone pattern or very small tile requiring many precision cuts on the corner are not necessarily an option due to self-installation and limitations in skill.

Additionally, I would like to place a wood mantel followed by a TV being mounted above to finish off the space.

Thank you for any advice! Appreciate it!

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