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What color would you paint this room?

4 years ago

Live in NE Ohio - have a small 10x11 guest bedroom with 1 window (100% north facing) - no overhang, landscape blocking, etc. Currently painted builder's grade flat paint in SW agreeable gray.

Looking to brighten up the room - make it brighter, (not as dull), cheery, calm, relaxing. Don't like reds, oranges, yellows, browns, tans.

Bedding would be the purple comforter shown in picture or this one:

Comments (36)

  • 4 years ago

    Paint should be picked last. You should decide what the room will be first, i.e. bedroom or office. Then go from there. Pick a bedspread, a painting. something to get the ball rolling. Painting without a plan never ends well. I like the color as is. It's neutral. Goes with everything. Colors can be easily injected in headboard, curtains, furniture, etc Either way, wall color is chosen last to either play a supporting role or a more prominent role.

  • 4 years ago

    Purpose of room: guest bedroom.

    Don't think I can hang curtains given the placement of the window - how close it is to the corner in the room.

    Bedspread - It is chosen - it is one of the 2 options shown above.

    I hate the builder's grade flat paint.

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    What color would you paint this room?


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    I rather like a green for the walls, as well. It references the green in your pretty quilt. Take a look at November Rain by Benjamin Moore. It appears to play well with a variety of colors.
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    What color would you paint this room? (I have no idea, help!)


    Comments (29)
    It's a guest room, right? What type of feeling do you want in the room? Low contrast usually evokes calm while contrast can be more energizing. This article talks about contrast in rooms. It's not about a colour being "wise" necessarily; it's about how you want the room to look and feel. There's more than one way to create a great looking room. Are the furnishings all set up in the space? How does everything look and feel? If you're having difficulty picturing a different colour on the wall, try tapping up a white sheet behind the nightstand to see how a light wall colour would fare. A neutral off-white might offer the most flexibility should you wish to change the bedding later on.
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    Comments (57)
    Haven't read through the thread but will share this: I do like the black and white vibe you have going but wouldn't add much, if any, more black. Would definitely want to keep the walls really light in a north facing room so you can keep the furnishings you choose --even dark ones -- and yet not end up with a cave vibe. Would not use wall paper. Strategically placing a mirror can reflect outdoor light from the windows. Might invest in a stand for it ( or create one DIY) and try it in different places. .https://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Mirrors/2009/subcat.html?featuredproduct=23050300&featuredoption=38528315&kid=9553000357392&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=28607771-000-000&cnc=US&cid=302184&type=&targetid=pla-295822288689&track=pspla&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIur-8p7mw7QIVw9SzCh10yw8cEAkYBiABEgLeJfD_BwE
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  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Maybe I will have to re-consider a different bedding set. (when I said I didn't like red, it meant I didn't want red paint walls).

    I do like the agreeable gray color - it's a nice greige neutral, however, almost my entire house is painted in that color (b/c of budget costs when building, only was able to choose 2 paint colors) - so the hallways, living room, foyer, dining room are all painted that color. I'd like something different for the guest bedroom.

    Yes, absolutely. My plan is to purchase a queen bed with a headboard, 2 nightstands, 2 wall plug-in sconces and have 1 small sitting bench.

    I found some bedding spreads that caught my eye - if I were to purchase the following, any suggestions on paint colors?

    Would a brown/wood or white nightstand look best with these?

  • 4 years ago

  • 4 years ago

    OR this one:

  • 4 years ago

    OR this one:

  • 4 years ago

    You have a lighting issue not a paint color issue. Is there an overhead light? It’s dark due to lack of light. And yes, the room could use some cheery updating, but first make sure it’s well lit.

  • 4 years ago

  • 4 years ago

    To me, bright and cheery is very different from calm and relaxing. I find the current grey to be calming.

  • 4 years ago

  • 4 years ago

    Yes, have an overhead light. The second picture from the top has the light on. All other pictures are with the light off. Was thinking of adding two wall plug in sconces next to the bed. Any specific lighting suggestions?

  • 4 years ago

    The grey is dull, pulls the life out. That’s the feeling I have when in the room. It’s not calming. Cheery, but not over energetic....what I’m looking for

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    It's hard to point you in a direction when you yourself are not sure which way you want to go. All those comforters are beautiful but will require different things. I suggest you buy your bed first and then buy your comforter. When you have those 2 elements, we can take you further. We don't know what you like in terms of furniture or what style of bed you will buy. All these will influence the other choices. As you buy one element, you narrow the possibilities for the next element. And so on. Until you have narrowed down your color families. Right now the world is your oyster and there is too much choice. Buy something because then your world shrinks a bit. Regardless of budget, IMO your bed should be light and neutral, because of what you have posted. If you can help it, do not buy a grey or dark brown headboard. Also, either add brighter bulbs in your overhead light or change light fixture to one that has more bulbs. Sconces will be a nice addition, but are often only turned on at night for reading so that will not improve the overall lighting conditions. Which sconce happens further down the line. When you have bought 1 element, come back here. We can't tell you what you like, we can only build on it.

    kbear_15 thanked simplechoices
  • 4 years ago

    I can’t really think of any paint color other than beige that will work with both the lavender comforter and the red green cardinal comforter. Is there room for side tables if you center the bed on the wall? You would have wall sconces on either side, or lamps if there is room.

  • 4 years ago

    You DO have room to hang curtains at that window - It looks like you have approx. 6" from the edge of the window trim to the the adjacent wall. A soft green wall color would compliment your beige rug, or a light blue; it would look like sand and sky.

  • 4 years ago

    I would go with a pale green, but not one that has been grayed down, like a sage. Choose a green that is like a light shade of grass. It is a shade that can almost be a neutral, and it's lively.

    (Benjamin Moore Lime Sorbet)

    I don't like either of your first two original choices for bedding, but I do like the first two alternatives you proposed - so, bedding in an off-white or beigy-brown. Some beiges can be rather pink, which goes great with greens.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Thank you for everyone's comments - extremely helpful.

    Completely agree that I have to start somewhere, decide on something and that will narrow down choices as I go. I do best (it helps in my decision making) with other's input though and appreciate the comments. (i.e. I may not realize one of my choices is clearly wrong/not helping me towards my ultimate goal).

    I have 9 foot ceilings - Is there any specific type of lighting fixture to consider? And minimum, specific total wattage goal?

    Is a fan (with lighting of course) acceptable?

    Currently, I have two 14W LED bulbs inside the light fixture. (see picture below) - is this inadequate for this room?

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    I think changing out the ceiling light fixture is something that can wait until you have everything else in place, but I would consider a hanging fixture rather than a dome light.

  • 4 years ago

    Some more comforters that caught my eye - I think that's it - I've checked out several websites and these were the ones I seemed to like the best. Hoping there's a clear winner.


  • 4 years ago

    As far as beds go, I seem to be drawn to a fairly similar style, all in a white/linen/light beige color - see some sample pictures below. Would these styles work in this bedroom? (trying to keep it light/airy, and not dark/heavy)?

    Should the headboard be a certain height? I don't want beds with a footboard - to me, makes the bed seem heavier/take more room, plus I like being able to sit at the end of the bed, fold laundry, etc.


  • 4 years ago

    If you are like me, even though gray is "in" right now, I detest any form, shade or tone of gray. If you are not sure of a color, paint a shade of white. Maybe not an in-your-face bright white, but something just off of that. You can go toward the blue side of white or, my favorite, the yellow/cream side.

    Once the room is white, you will be able to "see" the bedcovering colors better. If you decide to paint a color later, it will be easy to do.

    What shade is the wood trim? You could paint the walls that color in a flat. I like a room with the ceiling, walls, and trim all the same color. The eye slides by and it is very calming. The walls and ceiling are flat and the trim is a semi-gloss.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    I agree, a simple bed is the most versatile. For longevity I would probably choose bed 3 as it's the most natural Linen Color. I would pair it with the soft pink bedding, as I think it has the most longevity. I do love the bright floral one, but would tone it down with white sheets and solid colored pillows. But I think it's such a cheerful set. The pink one is calming. What look do you want long term?

    As an example, I think this is a comfortable room for guests. I would layer a rug over your current one for added color. Then take part of the rug, and bring it onto the bed, and in other small ways. Something like this would be a good start. Once you have the main pieces, I would pick an off-white or even a pale blue-grey as a wall color.

    None of these items are expensive, below 3 are Target. Side table and rug Wayfair.

    kbear_15 thanked simplechoices
  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    My3dogs ME zone 5A - i have less than 4'' between the corner wall and where the window trim starts.

    Yes, ceiling light fixture comes later - just thinking/exploring ideas and curious what others think.

    Sherry - all trim is SW snowbound (white);

  • 4 years ago

    If it were me, I'd play off this comforter set you have above, since it has a lot of white, and the beige is already in your carpet. I'd play with a color match on the light greens in here to find one I like. Samplize has painted stickers you can put up to see how they look throughout the day. Add the darker colors in the painting in your photo above by adding pillows, art, or glass vases.

    kbear_15 thanked Keepthefaith MIGirl
  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago


    1. I am trying to choose between these two beddings:


    I think the last (colorful) bedding choice I posted previously is fun - but I would prefer longevity - perhaps more neutral, more calming/relaxing. That one might be too stimulating.

    There is a good chance we may move in a few years - so I definitely need pieces not too bold that could work in various settings and I definitely prefer longevity!

    2. I agree with you on the bed - I really like the overall shape of that headboard (finally found one without those metal round bead looking things), and color. Only con to this specific bed is it states the queen is 86''W (though a queen mattress is 60'') and people complained of excess gaps.

    Was hoping to find something similar but with storage drawers underneath just to increase storage - but haven't found anything like that quite yet.

    Found some other similar looking beds that I think would work (but a more reasonable width) so no gaps:

    Option A: ("Kegler")

    Option B ("Tappahannock"):

    3. All my door knobs, light fixtures throughout the entire house is satin nickel. (bathrooms are all chrome and the guest downstairs bathroom is directly off this bedroom). I have no brass/gold anywhere.

    Would you mind suggesting some lighting/art, etc like you did previously but with satin nickel/silver scheme? (or can I have one room in the house with gold)??

    4. Re: the ceiling light - While very beautiful and I like the style, I don't know that that fixture you showed would provide any more light than the one that is currently in my room. I thought one goal was to have a stronger (ceiling) light.

    All our bedrooms have ceiling fans except this one - could I put a ceiling fan in here (with good lighting)? I find they are nice to have in bedrooms.

    5. Re: the wall sconce light - would one with a movable arm be okay (in the event someone wanted task lighting to read while in bed)?

    6. Re: the rug - while that's a great way to tie in more colors, I don't think I can do it - I have family who don't pick up their feet well (for medical purposes) and would easily trip on it - so can't do rug over carpet. Any other suggested ways to tie in all the colors?

    7. For a bench - I was going to put one by the window in the corner to provide seating - something like this?

    (they have multiple colors: "Casillas Upholstered Bench")

    8. Here is a rough drawing of how I thought I'd lay the room out:

    (Showing bed, night stand, plug-in wall sconces, bench, small (likely 25'' wall mounted TV)

  • 4 years ago

    You can easily do satin nickel if you prefer and swing arm sconces. I made some suggestions based on the pink bedding because I preferred it. The green one is nice too and you can go through the same process. The ceiling light has 3 bulbs vs what you have now.

  • 4 years ago

    Not a pro. My first thought was lavender, but I love that pale green option! I recently painted my master bathroom SW Gratifying Green. Whatever colors you're considering, I recommend ordering samples from Samplize; you can stick them on your wall and move them around at will to get a good idea of how they will look.

  • 4 years ago


    I picked the specific bed I want for this bedroom:

    I plan to use the blush bedding (should be arriving to my house tomorrow so I can verify in person that i like it):

    Hardware on doors is satin nickel. Will plan on keeping with that metal.

    If you don't mind, I would appreciate guidance regarding how to choose a night stand for both sides of the bed. What color? (white vs brown/wood)? Just to recall, the bedroom is small and faces north with only 1 window (north facing).

    I likely lean towards a "transitional" style and don't want anything "heavy" as the room is small (10x11). Rectangular vs circular/oval?

    Here are a few samples I found that caught my eye:





    As for art work above the bed, I found these: Any particular that you think would look best?



    Still need to work on a small bench, plug-in wall sconces, and wall color paint.


  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    I love the bed and bedding you chose. For a nightstand, I'd go for white, off-white, or cream since you want a lighter look. The dark nightstands you posted seem too bulky and heavy to me. I'd look for a round or oval one. You might consider a side table, too, rather than a nightstand.

    As for artwork, tbh, I'm not crazy about any of the triptychs you posted. They're a bit too bold for the room to my eye (and I love drama and boldness}, because the headboard and bedding are so soft and light. But mostly you don't need anything that large over the bed. Your tufted headboard is high and makes a statement, so one or two smaller pieces would be great, or none at all. How high is the ceiling? I suggest waiting until all the furniture is in place with bedding before buying art.

    Some examples of tufted headboards with smallish or no art:

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    Newport · More Info

    Edina Shingle Style · More Info

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    Have you painted the walls yet? Just wondering what color you settled on.

    kbear_15 thanked thriftyboho
  • 4 years ago

    Room has 9 foot ceilings. Bed headboard is 54''H.

    Wall color paint hasn't been decided yet - everyone on this forum told me to choose a bed/headboard and bedding first, then to even consider the paint.

    Any suggestions for paint color? (assuming I go with a white/light nightstand) - bedroom is very dark (only 1 window, north facing) and live in northeast ohio (so lots of cloudy days). Want the room to be brighter/airy.

    If no art above the bed, how else to bring other colors into the room? Floor is carpet, not going to add a rug. Plug-in wall sconces wouldn't really do that.

    I did want to find a very small bench (place for someone to sit/put shoes on, etc) probably no more than about 32'' wide - what color should this be? Thanks in advance!

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Well, you could still put artwork over the bed, but at a smaller scale, OR over the nightstand or on another wall.

    Is the carpet grey? With a light beige headboard and soft blush pink bedding, maybe start looking at creams, ivories, pale greens, pale blues, and soft violets/purples. Time to gather up a bunch of paintchips!

    kbear_15 thanked thriftyboho
  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Out of curiosity, why did you recommend oval/round table rather than rectangular?

    Regarding colors: will it look bad to have white trim/door, beige headboard, and either white or cream nightstand?

    Regarding paint color for the wall: I will be choosing between benjamin moore and sherwin williams. I need all the help I can get regarding this - especially b/c it's a north facing bedroom with minimal natural light.

    Any specific colors/swatches? (I need that much direction!)

    Carpet is probably more beige/brown than gray

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    I suggested round or oval because the lines are softer, your room is small, and you said you wanted lightness in there. I think a blocky square or rectangle would be too heavy. But if you find something that is more streamlined, or delicate, or not too angular, a rectangle can work. I am wondering what you think of a small dresser next to bed instead of nightstand? Are you planning to have one at both sides of bed or just one?

    As for mixing whites, beige, and creams, that is perfectly fine and done all the time. I just think you need to be mindful not to mix warmer whites with cooler ones.

    I don't know names of colors in the paint lines. Whenever I've painted, I go to a paint store and bring home tons of paint chips/sample cards. Sometimes I bring a piece of fabric or something with me, but really you have to see the samples in the room with the lighting that will be in there, so you can decide. Just go and take a whole bunch, they don't care how many you take. Pick up as many paintchips in creams, ivories, pale greens, pale blues, and soft violets/purples as you can. Look for the lighter colors..

  • 4 years ago

    Update: I ended up picking a different duvet cover/bedding (received the blush one and it looked awful in person). I re-posted (https://www.houzz.com/discussions/6030911/what-color-would-you-paint-this-room-i-have-no-idea-help#26272859) regarding help in wall paint color. Thanks!

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