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Dark stains/marks on our new white oak floors

3 years ago


We have dark stains/marks on our new hardwood floor and do not know how this happened. I am looking for any advice on probable causes. Here is the story (see end of message for list of products used):

We recently had a flooring company install, stain, seal, and finish white oak floors in our home which is undergoing a lot of renovation. After ~4-5 days, we laid down "ram board" (rolled out cardboard/brown paper) to protect the floors as we moved things around. The ram board covered the floors for over one week. We rolled up the ram board on Thursday night because we were having maids clean the home the following morning. There were no issues with the floor at this time and the ram boards had no sign of moisture/saturation. Note - the tile in the kitchen was installed prior to the sanding of the floors. It was grouted while the floors were covered.

We returned home on Friday after the maids left to see these dark stains and scratches on our floors as pictured below! At this point, the floors had been finished for 15 days so there should not be problems with drying/curing according to the Bona website. We called the maids, their boss, and the flooring company to come over. The maids claim that they did not notice the stains/marks until they began mopping the floor with water. They said that the only products that they used in the house were Bona, Windex, and vinegar to clean. They did not use an oven cleaner product or bleach in our house. So the maids do not think it was their fault. The maids speculate that a tin of varnish made the marks. The flooring company says that the stains/marks are from a cleaning product.

After doing my own research, I wonder if these marks are from tannin pull? The square shapes seem pretty unique and the other mark is like a rag shape. Also it is clear that the scratches were made in an attempt to clean the floor. Looking for ideas on what could have caused this. Thanks!

Flooring product information:

White oak flooring supply select 2 1/4" by 3/4"

Bona Sealer (the specific name of the sealer was not listed in the estimate)

Bona Mega HD in satin finish

Special walnut stain (I think Minwax)

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