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Passiflora incarnata/maypop flowers fall off after pollinating

Victor zone 7a
3 years ago

Hello all,

I keep reading that maypops (passiflora incarnata) are "self fertile" on different nursery websites which is why I purchased a single vine last year but even after pollinating I didn't get any fruit. I thought it was too young and would try again next year. This year I've once again tried pollinating the flowers by hand throughout different times of the day and they all shrivel up after two days or so and fall off taking the small fuzzy "fruit" with it. My particular vine is definitely not self-fertile.

Does anyone have any experience with this vine that can vouch for self-fertility? I ended up purchasing another vine and it's now planted next to the main vine, I am hoping it flowers by the end of this month for cross pollination if I am to get any fruit to set and ripen in my zone.
