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Trailing Begonia healthy bloom falling off ??

3 years ago

Hello everyone!

This is my first time caring for a begonia, as well as for a flowering plant, so my apologies in advance if my questions are silly. I found this cutie well hidden at the back bottom of a shelf a few weeks ago, it was in poor condition; lots of damaged leaves, some with browning edges, and only had one flower, which also looked damaged with some discoloured/white dotted marks on it. Brought it home, removed some of the damaged leaves, placed it in a shady area on my yard, slowly introduced it to sunlight throughout the following week, and have been watering it when top soil feels dry at the touch. I haven’t repotted it as of yet.

Now it has been a week or so, and it has rewarded me with gorgeous clusters of new buds and bright orange bloom. But for the second time now, as I am picking up the pot to water it and/or to change its location from shade to sun, a flower randomly falls off. The first time it happened was the single flower the plant originally came with, and I thought maybe due to the poor condition it was in, it may have been more fragile and wind may have caused it to drop. But it has been only a few days now that some buds sprouted into bloom and when I picked it up earlier today, one flower fell off. Is it normal? Are the flowers purposely lasting only a few days once fully bloomed for new ones to sprout back and so on?

Side note: As I was just taking pictures to share with my post, I noticed that one of the bloom currently attached to the plant seems to have the same type of discoloured/white spots as the first flower that fell off.

Thank you so much in advance for your time and help


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