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Hoping someone who knows things will see this...

ZachS. z5 Platteville, Colorado
3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago

Whatever new "stuff" Houzz/Gardenweb are trying right now, its NOT, I repeat NOT working.

First, the "best answer" feature is little more than distracting (I know there is currently a thread on this for a couple weeks ago, but I want to reiterate it). It does nothing but confuse people, especially when some type of algorithm automatically determines what the best answer is and plucks a reply completely out of context so as to render it virtually useless. I know it shows up "in order" in the thread, but having it show up at random at the top is unnecessary and redundant. I have yet to meet a user who appreciates this feature.

Secondly, reversing the order of threads so as the newest appears first is like having a conversation with someone backwards. It just doesn't make sense to read it that way. It's like opening a book and instead of starting at the beginning, you read the last page first and continue that way until you reach the beginning. Again, I have yet to meet someone who thinks that it works well.

Finally, whatever updates are taking place are really screwing with posting. I myself have run in to issues where I will write a post, hit submit and it appears in the thread, but no one else but me can see it. It doesn't move the thread to top of the list and if I sign out, it disappears as though I never wrote it in the first place. The comment/reply box is also missing for me in many cases and I know others are having the same issue. One of our members over in Rocky Mountain Gardening has had to resort to posting their replies as whole new threads because they can't comment on the thread itself! If there is anyone out there listening, PLEASE HELP!

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