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Help with landscape design?

Janice M
3 years ago

I'm looking for ideas for the front of my house. When we were house shopping 4 years ago I almost didn't even get out of the car to see this house because I don't like the way it looks from the front. But we love the rest of the house and the back, the view, etc. There are some issues and I am hesitant to putting time and money into fixing them to keep them looking like this. I'm wondering if there might be some budget-friendly ways to upgrade the look as we repair/replace.


1. Some of the pavers on the left, under the redwood grove, are being pushed and and breaking due to tree roots. We're thinking we need to pull some up and cut roots and lay them back down. The weeds are also coming up between them so I'm thinking I need to powerwash and put in polymeric sand. I hate the look of the pavers across the entire front but I have no ideas about how to make it more appealing. Put some stuff on it? Pull some of it out? (Note that's just a pile of debris sitting on the pavers, we have been doing a lot of clean up and ran out of space in our bins to put it).

2. The timber retaining wall is shifting and wearing. I don't mind the rustic look there. My husband seems to like the look of stone or brick walls and I think photos of those are beautiful but I feel there's already too much hard stuff out front (pavers).

3. The lattice wall on the side of the garage gets ZERO sun. Ever. There was nothing planted there when we moved in and we planted these flowering maples which the hummingbirds love, but they are sad looking compared to when we planted them. I just put the lattice up and added some vine suited for shady areas, so I'm hoping this gets grown in with green. I don't love the pavers we used to box them in.

4. General look/shape of the house. I feel like the house could look a lot more interesting with some architectural changes, but I'm at a loss for what those would be.

I have a month off where I can put a lot of time and effort into fixing up, and my husband can help a fair amount, but budget is an issue. Even if we can't do everything now, a vision of our dream look would give us something to work towards while putting our money and effort towards that instead of temporary fixes.

Thank you so much for any suggestions!!

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