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Which walls to paint because of odd shaped ceilings? Color choice?

4 years ago


I'm working on my daughters room. It's currently a tan color all around.

I would like to do an accent wall- but because i have an angled ceiling and corner window it is giving me a challenge of where to stop painting.

Here is the existing room.

My mom is suggesting that I paint the wall the crib is on, and the angled wall with the window, and the wall with the window on it. Stopping before the wall with the closet, and following the weird ceiling.

Here are my inspirations so far.

I am leaning towards the green one, with the accents from the blue room. (I live in Texas with no earthquakes, and if I decide to mount something about the crib - It will be secured properly, and the crib moved to about 4-6 inches off the wall.)

I own the crib, a rocking chair similar, and I found this cute table I just fell in love with.

Any guidance is appreciated.


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