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looking for dollhouse flooring

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

I hesitate to ask for more help at the risk of going to the well too often, but you all have such great ideas, so here goes...

The request du jour is for flooring for the kitchen. Here are a few requirements:

-must be same thickness as adjoining living room (had to go with varnishing the plywood due to low ceilings and the fact that the room was too wide for any pre-made flooring.)

Actually, that's it as far as requirements. I adore mosaic tile looking floors, but don't trust myself with picking patterns.

Here is the wallpaper I have ordered: (and yes, I would order this for my own house in a heartbeat.)

and here is where it will go in the house (lower left--I botched the wallpaper on the upper left and am waiting for the Etsy shop in England to reopen. Fingers crossed.) I was thinking of wainscoting, but I'm now leaning towards leaving it plain.

Please don't look too closely--there are so many mistakes and cob jobs and still so much to be done. Windows have to be framed, I have to create lights, moulding on walls, a staircase runner (ribbon)... I keep telling myself close enough is enough during these times. (plus, it is so hard to get supplies--takes forever!)



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